Page 125 of Captured

I knew where I wanted to start. Right where London had sent the Sons, right back to that goddamn party. “Not here. How’s that?”

“We need a solid plan.” Kane started behind me. “And we can’t do that until we hear back from either Hunter’s men or St. James.”

“I need to hunt.”

“What?” Hunter snarled, his voice nothing more than a growl.

One hard jerk of the wheel and I was thrown sideways, slamming into the door. “Jesus fucking Christ!” I roared, shoved myself upright and turned my head.

But Hunter was savage, glaring at the street ahead as he wrenched the wheel again, only this time throwing me toward him. Are you trying to kill us? I opened my mouth to say just that when I realized where we were…and where we were heading.

Opulent houses flashed past us as we tore along the familiar street. I knew exactly where we were. When I looked back at my brother, I saw that same desperate hunger I felt in me. My senses sharpened as we turned once more and sped back along the long road, passing a bank of police cars pulled up on the side of the road.

Red and blue lights flashed neon in the night. It wasn’t until we were almost past that I saw what was really happening.

The District Commander stood at the front of the cars, talking to a lone man dressed in an expensive black and white tux. Shouting, more like. There was a lot of finger pointing from the lawman, along with a look of outright rage. My lips twitched as we flew past. There was no way the law was stepping foot on that property.

No doubt the guy in the tux was the most expensive lawyer in the city…if not the country.

Headlights splashed across us, blinding as we headed for the towering two-hundred-year-old forest that surrounded the expensive property.

“You want to hunt?” Hunter killed the lights and jerked the wheel, plunging us between the trees until we skidded to a stop. He looked my way, his dark eyes shimmering in the dimness. “Then go hunt.”

I was frozen for a second, but that was all I needed. I yanked the handle, palmed the Sig Sauer I’d taken from St. James, and lunged out of the vehicle.

My boots hit the soft earth hard as I pushed off, driving myself toward the partly destroyed mansion once more. Smoke billowed out from the ruins. I gripped the gun and ran for the chaos. There were still men and women wandering around and others sitting on the endless expanse of the manicured gardens, unable to come to terms with what had just happened.

But they weren’t the ones I was after. I wanted the bastards who’d run this auction. The ones who’d most likely run for their lives at the first explosion. But that didn’t mean all was lost. If they weren’t here, then there had to be someone to torture…my thoughts shifted to the lawyer who was right now at loggerheads with the police.

Someone like him.

A roar sounded as I ran across the front of the expensive mansion and headed for the opulent garages that spilled around the side and spread out at the back.

“Easy!” A male bellowed in a voice that sounded a little too familiar.

Only because I’d witnessed the same male fight mere minutes ago and as I ducked around the massive white pillars at the corner of the house, I came face-to-face with London’s two kin once more.

The Sons.

Only it wasn’t the cold-blooded ambush I expected. Two rich assholes lay on the ground, pushed up on their elbows. Blood streamed down the front of one asshole’s face. His nose was crooked. No guessing how that happened. But the other guy was deathly pale, cowering and holding himself upright before he dragged his knees up and curled himself into a ball.

But they weren’t the reason for the terrifying guttural screams that came from the blonde-haired killer as he paced back and forth in front of me…


His brother was.

“Colt!” Carven lunged as the bigger of the twins wrenched his fist back and drove it into the side of the rich fuck’s head.

“HURT HER!” He screamed, his eyes wide and bulging. “HURT HER!”

Carven grabbed his brother’s wrists, fighting with him as he wrestled his fists back down. “We don’t know that!”

I slowed, breathing hard, and neared, wrenching the muzzle of my gun to the sneaky suit who tried to scurry away on all fours.

“Uh-uh.” I muttered and shook my head, stepping forward. The weasel-faced motherfucker slowly lifted his head until those beady eyes saw the barrel before shifting to me. “You’re not going anywhere.”

“Listen to me.” Carven yanked his brother’s arms down. “LISTEN!”