Page 117 of Captured

And far too heavy to fight for her and her babies’ lives.

But I wasn’t. I wasn’t and I wasn’t taking no for an answer.

I released her hold, taking a step toward them, keeping my voice low. “You know who you’re messing with, right? You know what you created. Have you seen Colt since you…since you tortured him? Do you know the kind of darkness you’ve brought out in him? A true killer…a terrifying beast of a man.”

There was a quirk of Hale’s lips as though he hadn’t actually heard the truth of what Colt had become. But now he had…now he had and he?—

The quirk curled, one corner of his mouth inched upwards and in an instant, the hope I had of scaring them to let my sister leave disappeared.

“I know.” Hale whispered, grinning. “Because we made him that way. We will make more like him…so…many…more.” He looked behind me, fixing that ravenous stare on my sister. “Together we’ll make a new Order. One that is better and stronger.” He lifted the CPU in his hand. “And we will learn from the mistakes of our past. King’s bloodline started the first Order, so we will use his bloodline again. Only, this time we’ll use a little more…modification.”


A shiver tore through me. I shook my head as the double doors opened once more and a team of male nurses wearing white scrub pants and white shirts emblazoned with the name NEW ORDER on their top pockets hurried in.

“No.” I shook my head. “No.”

“Coulter.” Hale commanded. “Will start the process. You will both become his to breed.”

Breed? Revulsion slammed into me. I started to shake my head. The truth wedged in the back of my throat. No. You will never breed with me. I made sure of that a long time ago.

I want children someday…Riven’s words rose like a slap.

“No. N-o fucking way.” Vivienne took a step away, jerking her gaze to Coulter. “You come near me. You come near my babies and I’ll fucking kill you. I’d rather die. I’d rather they—” She broke. Her tear-filled eyes blazed with hatred. “You will not touch my babies. You will not.”

“Are you really going to let this happen?” My pulse was booming as I found Melody’s gaze. “You know how this turns out. How they use and take, just like they took your children. You must’ve cared for them. All those months feeling them growing and moving inside you. I know you loved them. Are you really going to let that happen to someone else? Are you really going to let them tear someone else apart?”

She scowled, then pushed off the back of the sofa, cutting across the nurses as she came close. My breath caught. Desperation boomed with my pulse as she stopped in front of me.

“Please.” I begged. “Please, not her.”

She had that same detached stare that Hale had. One that settled on me. “I can see why my brothers were so smitten with you. You took my place when they needed it. Someone to…” she reached up to brush the hair from my face, until I flinched from her touch. “Save.” She finished. “Someone to save. Because they couldn’t save me, could they? No…they couldn’t save me.”

White moved closer as the nurses stepped in behind her. Tears came. But they weren’t tears of pain or the crushing guilt. They were from anger, from the shuddering, controlling anger.

“You belong to the New Order now.” She murmured, then glanced at Vivienne. “Both of you do. Your master owns everything. You are, after all, a vessel.” She dropped her hand to her belly and I knew…I knew instantly she was pregnant.

“The fuck she does.” I spat.

One nod and Melody smiled. Hale moved behind her, heading for the double doors. “Let me know how you progress, will you, Coulter.” He cast over his shoulder. “Especially with the eldest. I cannot wait to see her round and full.”

With that, he opened the double doors And Melody went after him, falling in line.

I stepped backwards, opening my arms to protect her as one of the nurses pulled a vial from one pocket and a syringe from the other. “No.” I growled. “You come near her and I’ll fucking kill you…DO YOU HEAR ME? I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU.”

“Easy now, Helene.” Coulter cradled the glass of Scotch in his hand from the edge of the room. “It’s just a little something to take the edge off.”

Two nurses descended, moving in from both sides. I jerked my gaze around for a weapon, but there was nothing…nothing but books and fucking rugs. The soles of my feet screamed in agony as I lunged, driving myself toward the closest nurse.

“Fuck you!” Vivienne screamed behind me. “FUCK YOU!”

I attacked with fists and fury, slamming into the nearest nurse and swung my fist. Knuckles drove into his stomach. He tensed, still it wasn’t enough, just unleashing an oof. But I didn’t have time to attack again as Vivienne unleashed a scream, punching and slapping the second nurse.

“Motherfucker!” I shrieked as I stumbled sideways and then went for him.

I drove all my strength into him, knocking him off her, then leaped. “You motherfucker! YOU MOTHERFUCKER!”

The sting in my arm was instant. Hands gripped me, holding me steady. I jerked my gaze to the nurse at my side. The one who held the vial in his hand…and the other gripped the syringe embedded in my arm, with the plunger pushed all the way down.