Page 115 of Captured

One of them gave a grunt, stumbling before he lifted that merciless stare to Hunter. I knew him…it was the one from before. The Son who…came for them.

“You.” He took in Kane and Thomas, then back to Hunter until he scowled. “Where is she? Where is the Daughter?”

This one doesn’t belong to you…

She’s a Daughter, isn’t she?

“They took her.”

He jerked that unwavering stare my way. “And you just let her…be taken?” He spat as though the idea of that repulsed him.

Hunter scowled, narrowing in on the asshole. But it was the icy rage that rose inside me. “No. I didn’t just let her be taken. We’re going to find her.”

The Son scanned Thomas and Kane before he settled back on me. “Only if I don’t find her first.”

“What did you just say?” I murmured.

The Son just glanced at Hunter. “Hunter.” He gave a nod. “You can stop watching those rich fucks in the chat rooms. You won’t find us that way.”

“Is that so? Tell me, how can I find you?”

The Son took a step backwards, grabbing the shoulder strap on the pack full of explosives. “You don’t…we find you.”

Then he was gone, slipping around the corner of the house.

“Motherfucker.” I lunged, heading after him.

Exhausted or not, I was going to beat that asshole to death with that bag of c-fucking-4. But the moment I rounded the destroyed corner of the mansion, I saw nothing. He was gone…just like that. I scanned the trees as Hunter and the others found me.

“Did you hear what that bastard said?” I muttered, then met my brother’s stare.

That same savage stare scanned the trees as well behind me. “I heard.” He said.

He liked it as much as I had.

“So we make sure we find her…first.” He added.

I gave a nod and kept walking, lengthening my stride until I slammed into an older fuck and his goddamn trophy wife. I lunged, grabbing the asshole by his jacket. “Give me your fucking phone!”

His eyes shot wide, hesitating for a second.

It was a second I didn’t have. I yanked my fist back and unleashed, driving my aching knuckles into the slimy asshole’s face. Crunch. The blood that came from his nose was instant, as was the piercing, high-pitched squeal that came from his mouth.

He shoved his hand into his jacket pocket. “Here…HERE!” He shrieked.

I snatched the thing from his hand, pressed the button and lifted the camera to his tortured stare.


The phone unlocked.

“Thank you.” I muttered, focusing on punching in the numbers.

“Keys.” Hunter demanded.

The guy actually started to shake his head until Hunter unleashed a low snarl. Then the asshole let out a moan, one hand holding his bloody nose as he shoved the keys to his Bentley at Hunter. “Take it…just get the fuck out of my way.”

Hunter snatched them from his hand. “Go.”