Page 10 of Captured

Fate whispered in my ear as I strode past the truck and headed for the compound. Voices drifted out, deep baritones that tried to be as soft as they could.

I opened the door and stepped through, finding myself in a room full of mercenaries…and Daughters.

“You don’t have to do that,” one massive male urged as a Daughter sank to her knees in front of him.

He bent, gently grabbed her thin arms, and pulled her upright. “Look at me,” he commanded gently. “And hear my voice. You don’t have to do that…not anymore.”

She just looked at him blankly.

And that alone made his lips curl. He jerked that savage glare my way. In fact, they all did.

Hate radiated around the room the moment I stepped in. Lucky for me, I was used to it.

“My brother?” I muttered.

The beast of a male never answered, just turned back to the Daughter. “Come on, let’s get you something to wear.”

She just scowled. “Wear?”

“Yeah, cub. Wear.”

He led her away from us and deeper into the compound. I headed for the next soldier, who was handing out bottles of water to the other Daughters.

“I was told Helene is here?” I forced, scanning the faces in the crowded room before swinging back to him. “Where is she?”

“I dunno.” He stepped away, giving me his back. “You’ll have to ask your brother.”


“And where is he?”

The soldier swung back as Hunter’s man half carried Kane inside behind us. “Not here.”

I stepped forward as that menacing rage grew bolder. “What the fuck do you mean, not here?”

“Hunter isn’t here.” The soldier who’d saved our asses answered, waling Kane into the room and deeper into the building. “And neither is Helene.”

That burning strangle-hold on my heart clenched tighter. “Then tell me where the fuck he is.” I held out my hand. “And give me your goddamn keys.”

“Can’t,” he grunted.

I followed him. “Can’t or won’t?”

He stopped, turned his head, and looked at me over his shoulder. “Is there a difference?”


“Why?” I smashed the word through clenched teeth.

“Because, Principal,” he snarled, and that same hate flickered behind his eyes. “Your brother doesn’t trust you…and frankly, neither do we.”

Doesn’t fucking trust me?



He had her.