Get her to the table…
Hold her down.
I’d already had a taste of what kind of things men like Coulter craved. I’d barely survived it once before. I was almost certain I wouldn’t again.
“Now be a good whore and maybe I’ll let you see your sister.”
My breath caught. I jerked my gaze to his.
“Now I get a reaction.” He murmured, searching my eyes. “You do want that, don’t you?”
“Vivienne?” I whispered.
Hunter’s choked pleas returned to me. I’d thought he was trying to warn us about Ryth…but he hadn’t been. He’d been trying to tell us they had my sister, Vivienne. One who was very, very pregnant and far away from London or the Sons.
They’d whisk her out of the country and go underground so fast no one would have a chance to track her matter how good they were.
That’s what men like Coulter and Hale did.
They made women like us disappear.
I slowly forced myself to stand. There was nothing I could do for the men I loved anymore…as crushing as that was, I had to push it aside. Later, I’d find a blade to end this horror, but right now my sister needed me.
I could still save her.
I could still save someone.
“Take me.” I whispered. “Take me to her now.”
There was a tight curl of his lips. In that moment, he knew he’d won. “Good girl.” He nodded and glanced at the guard. “Remove her cuffs, we won’t be needing them anymore. She’ll do exactly as she’s told.”
I didn’t look away from Coulter, not even as my wrists were yanked upwards and the steel shackles removed. Coulter stepped close, grasped the back of my neck and dragged me closer.
“Now, kiss me.” He commanded. “Make it fucking good, your sister’s and her babies’ lives are on the line.”
The explosion shook the entire room, throwing me backwards until I landed hard on my ass. Cracks the size of my fist opened up in the ceiling overhead and only grew wider. This was bad…this was very fucking bad. I jerked my gaze left, scanning near where I sat and grabbed the nearest thing I could find.
The dead body of the guard weighed a ton, yet I heaved it upwards as the first chunk of the ceiling came crashing down.
“DOWN!” Hunter roared.
I ducked, threw my arms over my head, and cowered under Coulter’s dead man.
Chunks of stone crashed down all around me until I couldn’t breathe with the weight. The air turned choking, like a rag over my mouth, smothering me until I felt something inside me slip and darkness moved in.