“I got you,” he murmured. “Whatever you need.”
My vision blurred with tears as I lifted my gaze. All the awful goddamn things they’d done, only for her to be…whatever she’d become. “Why?” I whispered. “Why would she do that?”
“Why indeed?” he answered, that knowing stare boring into mine.
Stand up, Mr. King. Their sister’s words rang in my head. Stand up and let everyone see how much this stunning woman here resembles you.
The tears kept coming, slipping down my cheeks as the memory of my father’s betrayal sharpened.
Until the heavy thud of boots stole our focus. The sound of a two-way crackled in the air. The guard almost passed us, until he turned his head and caught sight of Thomas in the corner of his eye.
He stopped, glanced over his shoulder, then moved closer, finding me standing further in the back. His scowl was instant as he took in the black lingerie I wore.
“You?” he muttered, then swung that glare back to Thomas.
There was a second where time was suspended. Then in a rush, Thomas unleashed a roar and lunged at the same time the guard went for his gun. Both men grappled, throwing each other to the side until they slammed against the wall. The guard was fast and trained, but Thomas was no slouch, grabbing his head in a lock and driving his knee into the guy’s chest, knocking the wind out of him.
The attack triggered something in me. I lunged and landed on the guard’s back as he tried to lift the gun and take aim.
“The fuck you do!” I screamed, throwing my arm around the bastard’s neck.
My head was still foggy and my reaction was painfully slow. The scumbag’s jacket flapped wildly as he fought. I wasn’t anywhere near the ruthless woman I’d been mere months ago, but I gave it my all, yanking his head backward with all I had.
The shot was deafening. I wrenched my wide eyes upwards as Thomas slowly met my gaze, his face growing pale.
“No…” I shook my head, unable to take my gaze off him. “Nononono…no!”
But it was the guard under me who crumpled to the floor, carrying me with him. I fell, slamming my head against the wall until all I saw were stars…and Thomas as he towered over me with the gun in his hand.
The hot, metallic scent of blood filled the air, clinging cloyingly to my nose as I slowly looked down. All I saw was the uniform, just like the ones at The Order.
Get her to the table.
I kicked frantically, shoving myself away from the body.
“He won’t hurt you.” Thomas gasped as he sucked in hard breaths, those intense brown eyes fixed on mine. “Not anymore.”
I flinched as I leaned against the wall, until Thomas slowly reached his hand out. My pulse was pounding as I took it, then took a step forward and wrapped my arms around him.
He didn’t move for a second, then slowly he folded his arms about me.
“You said I wasn’t like the others.” He murmured against my ear. “I’m not. I wasn’t going to tell you because I didn’t want you to freak out or…look at me differently.”
I eased my hold and pulled back, eyeing that careful stare.
“I’m going to touch you,” he said. “Just not the way you expect.”
I tightened my arms around him and laid my cheek on his shoulder. “This feels pretty damn good to me.”
Footsteps sounded, ruining the moment. I jerked my head upwards as Riven and Kane rushed into the hallway. Riven glanced at us, with my arms around his brother, then looked at the dead guard. “We found a way to…somewhere, but we have to move.”
I moved away from Thomas, stepped over the guard’s body, and headed to where Kane waited. All four of us hurried, turning right as the hallway wrapped back around the house.
“Here.” Kane rushed toward what looked like an elevator and pressed a button.