“Oh yeah?” The hint of insanity in Riven’s tone sent a shiver along my spine. “I think I do, brother. I think I do very fucking much.”
We all gathered around them. Hunter looked our way, but not Riven. His focus was on the mountain in front of him. Hunter turned and tossed the pile of uniforms to the floor in the corner of the room. “You want to do this, then let’s fucking do this.”
Riven let out a bark of laughter. One that quickly turned into a snarl as Hunter glanced my way.
“You fucking look at her like you want something, brother,” Riven warned. “Been watching too many live feeds, I see.”
A jolt tore through me. All I'd seen was the image of me and Kane on the screen in the comms room. He had been watching me, that I knew, but now what? He wanted me?
“So let me help you out here.” Riven took a step closer to his brother.
“Riven,” Kane warned. “No.”
But The Principal paid him no mind. Instead, he stared the mountain in the eyes. “You wouldn’t know what to do with a woman like that.”
“And what’s that,” Hunter lowered his head. “Beat her?”
There was a twitch in the corner of Riven’s eye.
“Or maybe handcuff her to my sofa so I can rape her,” Hunter continued, glaring at him through the mask. “How about that, brother? Is that what a woman like Helene deserves?”
Riven’s cheeks burned bright red. “No,” he murmured, then glanced my way. “But it’s what she likes.”
The low snarl that rumbled from Hunter sent goosebumps along my arms.
Everyone turned toward me. But Riven was the one to move first as he crossed the room, flanking my side to stop at my back. “Isn’t that right, Trouble?”
Hunter scowled, looking at me. He wanted me to be outraged, to slap Riven hard across the cheek as he gripped my throat, his commanding growl hitting me right between the thighs. “Tell him.” His grip tightened. “Tell him how wet you were strapped to my sofa, how you came so fucking hard over and over again. How you…” he turned his gaze to mine. “Like to be controlled.”
“Riven, careful,” Kane warned.
“You drugged her, programmed her.” Hunter clenched his fists. “She doesn't love you, she can’t.”
Riven’s focus was fixed on me. “Oh yeah.” He lifted his hand from my throat and brushed his thumb across my lips. “Why don’t you tell me why?”
“Because she deserves better…better than you.”
Riven just smirked. “Now that I can’t argue with. So are you going to tell him, Trouble?”
“Tell him what?” My words were a raspy whisper.
He leaned down. “How fucking wet you are just thinking about me pinning your hands against the wall and licking that beautiful cunt until you buck and scream.”
“Programming,” Hunter snarled.
Kane shook his head. “It doesn’t work like that.”
Hunter glared at him as Kane crossed the room to me. “The subject has to be susceptible to the triggers. The other Daughters had already been tested before we started.” He fixed his stare on me. “All except for Ryth, Vivienne, and Helene.”
He reached up and brushed the strand of hair from my cheek. The mention of my sisters only triggered that panic inside.
“We didn’t know about Helene until she entered our lives. But she is the perfect candidate. The way her breath catches and her pulse races at the mere mention of the words like being owned or degraded. The way she is already predisposed to the adrenaline rush release brings.” He reached out, brushed his thumb along the silver scar line on the inside of my arm, and searched my eyes. “She likes it.”
“No,” Hunter growled.
“I could tell you all the ways in which a woman likes to be dominated. Release, trust, the deep-seated need to be nothing more than a vessel for pleasure, removing all the guilt and the shame associated with sex. I could go on for hours.” He moved closer, so close his body brushed mine, forcing my gaze up to his. “But talking is so fucking boring. It’s so much better to show you.” He searched my eyes. “If you want that, precious?”
Get her to the table…