Page 2 of Captured

“Just like your lovers,” He spat.

Watch this.

His words invaded and the memory along with it. Riven, Kane, and Thomas falling to their knees on the loading dock back at The Order.


I flinched as that sound echoed in my head.

“I have to get out of here.” I cried as I stumbled forward. Men crowded around me, the men trying to save us. But they weren’t the men I wanted.

Get to them…GET TO THEM NOW!

I shoved that bastard guard from The Order aside, and barged into the others as I fought to get free of the truck.

The sun was blinding as I lunged.

My bare feet hit the searing asphalt. My knees buckled instantly, sending me crashing to the ground. Agony drove all the way through my ankles and into my knees as I pushed upwards. But I didn’t care about that anymore. All I saw was the waiting four-wheel drive with the engine running and the doors open wide.

Get to them…


I limped and ran, veering around the front of the vehicle as fast as my legs would carry me, and lunged for the open driver’s door.

“No, you don’t.” A soldier came out of nowhere, grabbing me around the waist, lifting my feet from the ground.

“Let me GO!” I screamed as I kicked and bucked. “I HAVE TO GET TO THEM! I HAVE TO GET TO THEMMMM!”

“Easy now. Easy!” he growled, right before I drove my elbow backwards.

He moved, dodging my blow easily.


But his arms were a cage, immobilizing me. My body sagged, the fight overwhelming. Still, I threw my head backwards in one last desperate attempt.

His hold slipped, leaving me to crash to the scalding road. Hot asphalt seared my thighs. I howled and shoved backwards until I hit the tire of the four-wheel drive.




Heavy steps slowed, and a shadow descended. Tears burned. My throat was thick with rage and desperation.

“These men you scream for. They mean that much to you?”

I lifted my head. Those tears slipped, trailing slowly as I met the mountain’s stare. Did he know who I fought for? I wasn’t sure. “Yes,” I croaked.

He stared for a long time, then gave a slow nod. The sound of an oncoming truck lifted his stare from me. I wiped my tears, then pushed to stand. Pain burned across the balls of my feet, leaving me to limp to the front of the four-wheel drive, lifting my head as a truck hurtled toward us at breakneck speed.

The faint crackle of a two-way fought the sound of the engine. My rescuer lifted his hand, pressing the button on his vest connected to an earpiece.

“Will do.” He responded. “You know where to take them.”

Take who?