Page 119 of Captured

He met my gaze with a look of unhinged rage, then jerked his head to the open trunk. “Take what you need.”

What I needed was her.

Then Coulter in front of me.

That’d be the only thing that’d sate the hunger inside me. Blood. So much fucking blood.

“Do you have a bead on their location?” Hunter asked.

London gave a shake of his head, then lifted his gaze to the roar of an engine headed our way. “No, but they might.”

The Explorer took the corner sideways, swinging hard before it mounted the curb. I held my breath, waiting for the impact as the four-wheel drive hurtled toward us…but it didn’t hit. Instead, it came to a screeching halt a hair’s breadth from the Bentley and both front doors were thrown open.

If there was ever a lethal looking duo, it was those two. Stark white hair stood out as the Son rounded the front of the vehicle and headed toward us. But it was the bigger one, moving soundlessly toward us, that drew my focus. He never made an impact. In fact, you could be forgiven for barely even registering him at all next to his twin brother. But make no mistake, this Son…was dangerous.

An unhinged gleam lingered in the male’s eyes. Thick shoulders moved as he lengthened his stride, moving away from his brother to stand at the rear of the vehicles. Even Hunter watched him warily.

“Anything?” London turned to Carven, then glanced at Colt, before turning back.

Carven just shook his head without answering. I fought the flare of anger, keeping the fucking thing leashed as I took in the chest strap across Carven’s chest. One loaded with honed, combat knives.

“He has to be somewhere.” London turned on them. “Someone has to know something. Go back there, torture every motherfucker until they give us a location.”

One nod.

That’s all there was.

One, simple, fucking nod.

“And if no one there will give up Hale, then we’ll track down every motherfucker until someone does. Men, women, I don’t give a fuck. No one associated with The Order will survive this, not if I have anything to do with it.”

A lump rose in my throat at the promise. I clenched my stomach, trapping that fluttering in my gut. Carven turned around, heading for the four-wheel drive once more, before he stopped. “Colt?”

We all glanced at the Son, who seemed to be pacing back and forth, his jaw clenched in desperation. The veins pulsed, almost black along the side of his neck. But it was that unhinged look of brutality that scared the fuck out of me.

I’d never seen anyone so…unstable.

“Son?” Hunter took a step toward him.

“Hunter.” London commanded. ”Stop.” He took a slow step, never taking his eyes off Colt, who clenched his fists, squeezing all the blood free until they were white. “That isn’t Colt.” He said carefully, glancing at Carven.

“What are you talking about?” My brother shot him a glare, lifting his hand to point. “He’s right there.”

“That’s not Colt.” London muttered carefully and stepped toward him, lifting his hands in surrender. “Easy now, Son. Easy, it’s me…it’s London.”

That…man, that…hunter, whatever he was, lifted his gaze to London.

Lips curled and a look of condemned boding evil stared back.

“Heavenly Father…” Thomas started, and whatever that thing was, looked his way.

I jerked my gaze over my shoulder, glaring at him. “Not now, Thom.” I hissed.

Goddamn idiot was about to get us all killed by friendly fire. I turned back. There was nothing friendly at all about the creature standing in front of us.

“Wildcat.” The low rumble came from Colt. He shook his head, as though he was fighting with himself.

“Get him out of here, Carven.” London urged. “Make him leash that goddamn thing. The last thing we need is the Beast unleashed.”