What is my life right now?

Whatever it is, I’m not complaining. It’s been a week since they showed me the room they set up for me, but I have yet to sleep in it once. But that’s only because I’ve been sleeping in their beds. And also, a lot of not sleeping. All week we start every day preparing for the gala and then about fifteen minutes in, we’re ripping each other’s clothes off.

And it’s been perfection.

I grin to myself as I drift back to sleep.


I shoot up in bed Asher’s bed. The light in the room is much brighter now. What time is it?

“Who the hell is that?” Dean groans.

“Luncheon!” I gasp. “What time is it? I was going to set an alarm last night but-”

“But instead you were too busy testing how my cock feels in your ass,” Levi smiles and pulls me back into him.

And I let him for a few seconds longer than I should. In fact, his reminder of last night makes me want press up against him and…

“I’ve got to see who that is. It’s likely the drinks or the food.” I say, convincing myself mostly. I go to get out of the bed, then I remember that I’m completely naked and my clothes are hell knows where in this house. I look around me panicked. “Crap. No clothes.”

Dean whips out of bed, stretching his huge naked body confidently without a care in the world. He kisses my head. “Don’t worry. I’ll take care of whoever is down there. Take your time getting ready. Asher stole the room with the nicest shower if you want to test it out.”

“Oh,” I tilt my head.

“What is it?” He looks at me confused.

“That’s just really nice,” I say. It’s my responsibility to organize the luncheon. Shithead Steve would have complained endlessly if I had him do something like that.

He leans down and pins me to the bed, bringing us nose to nose. I try not to breathe my morning breath on him.

“It’s common decency. But I’ll show you really nice later.” He says in a low timbre that gets me way too horny for someone who had as much sex as I did last night.

But I do as he suggested. I take an incredibly satisfying shower that somehow manages to clean all parts of me at once with nozzles coming from all angles. When I get out, my clothes are perfectly placed on Asher’s bed. I get dressed and sneak out of Rosewood Manor back to the cottage. All I need to do is change my clothes, avoid my dad’s questioning stares, and then come right back. Oh yeah, and not throw all my clothes off again within fifteen minutes of being back at Rosewood Manor.

That last one will definitely be the hardest.

Hosting a luncheon at the tail end of the kinkiest week of your life is not advisable. If I ever write a book about how to host, I’ll be sure to add that in.

Disadvantages include aching in parts of your body you didn’t know existed, swaying your hips a little too enthusiastically when images of the previous week flash through your head, and stopping yourself from ripping your clothes off at any given moment to keep the good times rolling.

“Did they stay up late with you polishing?” Odette Getty stands across the kitchen island, grinning at me. Even though she’s the guest of honor, she came a little early because of our pact to give the guys a hard time.

“Sorry, say that again?” I was too distracted by Asher walking past the kitchen.

“Did you and the guys stay up late polishing?” She asks with a glimmer in her eye.

My cheeks heat. “Oh,” I swallow hard. Is she asking what I think she’s asking? “No, of course not,” I say defensively. There is no way that I’m telling this woman who is the same age as my dad what has happened in this very room, multiple times, even if softened by some French euphemism.

“My girl, the best way to humble a man is to have him polish your silverware. Or all three in your case.” She winks. I stare at her, dumbfounded.

When I don’t say anything, she asks. “Then who polished the silverware?”

I look at her with skeptical eyes. “Why do you assume someone polished the silverware?”

Now she looks horrified. “That’s a basic requirement for a well-set table.”

I shake my head. “Wait, are we talking about actual polishing?”