I look down into the mug and see he attempted to do something with the foam. I cock my head.
“I’ll admit I’m impressed you know how to make a cappuccino.” I tilt my head, trying to decipher the dark lines and circles mixing into the white foam.
“Thanks, worked at a café in high school so they would let us perform there.” Levi grins.
“That’s how he got so good at latte art.” Dean nods at my mug with a mischievous grin. “You can tell what it is, of course, Ruby?”
“Oh,” I nod. “Yeah, really good.” No, I can absolutely not tell what it is. A pile of dirty laundry? A patch of seaweed?
“Go on,” Dean says, eyes gleaming. “What is it?”
“Ugh, it’s a really good,” I pause, wracking my brain as to what the hell this could possibly be. “It’s a really good duck.” I look up hopefully at Levi.
“Duck?!” Levi looks at me in disbelief.
“Did I say duck? I meant…” I look down, the circles and lines spreading to become even more of a chaotic mess. I take a sip. “Sorry, it looked so good I couldn’t wait another moment.”
Dean and Asher laugh and my eyes meet Levi’s as he cocks an eyebrow at me.
“What?” I shrug at him, an apologetic smile on my face. “You’re good at a lot of things, but I’m sorry to say, I don’t think latte art is one of them.”
Levi settles onto the counter and looks at me assessingly.
“It was the four of us at the gala.” He says matter-of-factly.
My laugh comes out full and genuine. “That’s actually kind of cute,” I say, my voice sounding surprised.
He shrugs and grins. “What can I say? I’m a kind of cute guy.”
“M-hm,” I eye him with doubtful eyes. Not wanting to egg him on any further, I rewind the conversation. “Anyway, back to the matter. When can I collect my clothes?”
Levi’s eyes morph from playful to guilty.
“Levi,” I say his name slowly. “That was part of the deal.”
“Ruby,” he sighs. “I’m trying. Madison doesn’t even understand it. She asked him and he said no.”
I stand up, anger making my heart beat faster.
“Why?” I breathe in deeply, trying to calm myself down. “Why is he doing this? What is he trying to prove? He’s the one who cheated on me. With your sister.” I glare at Levi, clearly any goodwill between us is gone.
He raises his hands. “I don’t fucking get it either. But listen, we already called Nordstrom. Our credit card is on file. Get anything you need for the galas, for your day-to-day, whatever. You’ll need it to do your job, so it’s perfectly reasonable.”
I pause, looking at him. I take a deep breath to steady myself. The thought of being able to buy new things melts in my mouth like my dad’s famous French toast. I miss shopping. I miss wearing clothes I didn’t buy in high school. I miss not being reminded every time that I step out that, at the end of the day, I’ll always just be the poor girl in the smallest house in Greenfield.
“No,” I say, gathering my bag. I even surprise myself with the word. But it’s the only right answer.
“Ruby,” Asher objects, but I cut him off.
“I will not be in debt to anyone ever again.”
They’re all still for a moment, and then Levi nods. “I can understand that.”
We stand there for a second too long just looking at each other.
“Will you still work with us?” He asks, not sounding very hopeful
I open my mouth to answer, but I don’t know the answer.