“You look more like this wild girl now than you did before, you know.” He says softly, his mouth only a few inches from my ear as he works the earring in.
I swallow. It’s an abstract thing to say, but I know exactly what he means. Because I feel more like that little girl.
“Is that a good thing?” I say, staring straight ahead.
“That’s up to you,” he finishes and pulls himself back to look at me. I already miss his closeness. “But to me, yeah. It’s a damn good thing.”
We gather outside and there’s a limo waiting for us. This time it’s an elegant, modern limo and I don’t admit to them I’m a little nostalgic for the absurd monstrosity they rented to take us to our first-ever event together.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?” I ask as I slide in first.
“You’ll find out soon enough,” Dean winks at me.
When we pull into the parking lots of The Oyster, I’ll admit, I’m shocked. But not because they chose this restaurant. But because there seems to be an event happening here.
I look out the window at the groups of people dressed in evening wear on the deck. It’s a beautiful summer evening and the deck feels like it practically hovers over the ocean on a day like today. I realize I recognize most of the people. I spot Petra, and then Toby, my former etiquette student. I even spot Ryan holding hands with Daisy as she dances on his shoes. My heart races with excitement knowing I’ll see Ryan, Jessica, and most of all Daisy soon.
“What is this?” I finally ask.
“It’s a do-over,” Asher takes my hand. “Welcome to our real gala. Done right this time.”
I can’t help it when a smile breaks through my reserved facade. “You guys planned it?”
“We had a little help from Odette, but mostly us.” Dean says with pride.
“All the proceeds will be split up and go to all the non-profits that Steven stole from.” Levi explains. “It won’t cover it all, but if we keep doing this every year, then eventually it will.”
“Wow,” I say in reverie. I’m actually speechless. Even though it wasn’t me stealing from those non-profits, the guilt has been weighing heavily on me. For the first time, I see a solution to that overwhelming burden.
“Come on,” Dean grins. “We’ve got a lot more charming to do.”
And as I take Dean’s hand to step out of the limo, I know I don’t fully forgive them yet. But for the first time, with every cell of my body, I know that I’m going to. Maybe in a minute, maybe in a month. I’m not sure when, but they’re going to be in my life. I can’t stay away. It’s just not possible.
So I’ll let them charm me, but I also prepare myself to get ready to charm them right back.
A huge goofy smile spreads across my face at the sight in front of me. Ruby has her niece Daisy clutched up into her arms and she’s spinning her around.
“I just missed you so much,” Ruby exclaims.
“Aunt Ru Ru!” Daisy shrieks in excitement.
The sight makes me imagine Ruby with her own daughter. Fuck. Fine. I imagine Ruby with our daughter, swinging her on this same porch because we’ve made this gala a running tradition.
But first, that means Ruby has to forgive us.
Ruby places Daisy back on the floor. Immediately, Daisy toddler walks herself over to me, dragging Ruby by the hand. I make a mental note to thank Daisy later with a big badger stuffed animal, which Ryan said is her current favorite animal.
“Dance!” Daisy commands, pointing at me.
Make that two badger stuffed animals and a hefty contribution to her college fund.
When Ruby hesitates, Daisy demands again with a stomp of her foot, which even Ruby has to succumb to.
“Did you practice that with Daisy?” Ruby looks skeptically at me as she slips her hands into mine. We’re not exactly on the portion of the deck that contains the dancefloor, but I don’t care.