She also seems to enjoy my embarrassment.

I go to open my mouth to explain myself, but instead, she covers it with her hands.

“We can talk about that later,” she says, a grin still on her face. “Right now, I’m still experimenting with your body. Please and thank you.”

I nip at her hand and she pulls it away with a laugh.

She swings her leg up and brings it together with her other leg on one side of me, then rotates in my lap, all while keeping my cock deep inside her.

Then she faces forward, her long back to me, and brings her legs up on either side of me again, but now reversed.

“Impressive,” I say to her while I kiss her back.

“Thanks,” she laughs. “I really wasn’t sure if that was going to work. Now strap in.”

I reach around and find her clit and rest my forefinger and middle finger on it. “Ready.”

“Mm,” she says gratefully. Then she leans forward and starts riding the hell out of me, her ass bouncing against my hips. I watch as my cock goes in and out of her, glistening with her pleasure.

“Fuck, Ruby.” I growl, fighting my edge of surrender.

The piano is going wild as she fucks herself with my cock over and over, using the keys as her support.

She looks so fucking sexy like this, with her body slapping against mine in pure lust.

I bite my bottom lip hard, praying for the pain to take away this overwhelming wave of pleasure. There is no fucking chance I’m going to come right now when she’s learning just how she likes my cock. I’ll do whatever it takes to give her all the time she needs. She’ll have a damn doctorate degree in my cock before I let myself come.

She moans, clearly enjoying this new position, and I bite my lip harder and close my eyes, trying to help myself by not seeing how fucking hot she looks.

And that’s when I hear footsteps.

My eyes shoot open. Ruby and I twist our heads in unison.

Levi is standing at the entrance.

He raises his hand in surrender. “I just came to see what batshit crazy song Asher was working on. I can leave.”

He steps back, but I see in his eyes he wants to do anything but leave. I know him and I know how badly he wants Ruby, too.

“No,” I say.

If Ruby moves one more inch on me, I’m going to bust a load so big that it would cause a natural disaster.

I pull her upright and face her toward me. I kiss her because I couldn’t do it in our last position and I miss her lips. I pull back and look her in the eyes.

“Do you want Levi to fuck you too?”

“I-” She looks at me, unsure.

“I’m okay with it.” I run my fingers through my hair. “Honestly, I was about to lose all fucking control. I’m glad Levi walked in.”

Levi steps closer to us, so he’s right at the edge of the piano bench.

“Is that what you want, Rubes?” He keeps his hands in his pockets as if they need to be restrained.

She nods and opens her mouth to speak, but before she can answer, the door to the solarium slams open. A flustered Dean comes through, practically running.

Well, this is about to get even more interesting.