A small part of me doesn’t want to let them agree to that. Not just because it means no more shirtlessness, but also because maybe something so beautifully wild never needs to be tamed. But if they want to do this properly, this is the right step. And it seems like they want this.

“Deal,” I nod and I lift his hand that is clasping mine into a handshake. He shakes it back firmly.

“I just have one question for you,” he says, not letting my hand go.

I scrunch my nose at him. “We already shook hands. What kind of hidden terms are you adding to our deal?”

His face transforms from serious to mischievous. I brace myself for what he’s about to say.

“Do you find us attractive at-fucking-all?” He asks and immediately I hear a laugh from Levi and a scoff from Asher. We may be having a heart-to-heart but there is still an inordinate amount of alcohol flowing through each of our veins.

“What the hell kind of question is that?” I slap his arm.

“You give off married woman vibes.” He shrugs. “And the list of eligible women you gave us makes me think you don’t think much of us.”

“What the hell does ‘married women vibes’ mean?”

“It means that any straight woman who isn’t loyally in a relationship gives obvious ‘fuck-me’ vibes to all three of us, yet you never do.”

I roll my eyes. “Oh, come on.” I say with a laugh. “Are you saying that everyone wants to fuck you?”

His shoulders rise slightly in a shrug. “Basically.”

“I think you don’t know how to not be married.” Levi proposes and I shoot him a glare. He raises his hands up in surrender. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

“Asher? You tend to be a little more grounded than these two. Would you also agree that any single woman wants to fuck you?”

He spins a champagne glass in his lips and a coy grin spreads on his face, and I immediately realize my mistake in asking him. Because the man looks like sex in a suit right now.

“I like to be a humble man, but facts are facts,” he says in a slow drawl.

“Okay, so what if I give off a vibe?” I take turns staring at all of them accusatorily. “Why does it matter?”

“I’m just trying to figure you out,” Dean leans back with a grin. “Sure, you blush a little when I look at you a certain way, but you’ve got those walls up damn high. You’re going to need to lower them if you want to move on.”

“First of all,” I say after I close my mouth in disbelief at what he’s saying. “I do not blush around you.”

“Holy shit,” Levi doesn’t let me get to my second point. He swears slowly and annunciates every syllable as he stares at me like I’m an enigma he just solved. “You started dating Shithead Steve at seventeen. Is he the only man you’ve ever slept with?”

I swallow hard. “I’m not answering that.”

“Oh, baby girl.” Dean says. It’s a ridiculous thing to call me. He’s younger than I am. But that doesn’t stop the name from crawling down my skin and curling into my body. I bring my eyes to him, holding my breath and preparing myself for what he’s going to say next.

“You need to get good and properly fucked.” His voice is low and commanding. And for a moment, I swear it’s an offer and not a suggestion.

The limo stops, and the movement makes me jump. I shake the thoughts that were just running through my mind. They said it themselves. Any woman in the world would want to sleep with them. They don’t need to give me pity sex.

I look out the window, and we’ve stopped at the cottage. That’s my cue to leave. Right the hell now.

“Right,” my voice comes out more nervous than I mean it to. I cough to gain my sensible voice back. “Thanks for the advice on my sex life, but I’m just fine.” I hurry to unlatch the door.

I look back to them and I notice a sparkle in each of their eyes, clearly entertained by how much they’ve undone me. I step out and hustle to the empty cottage.

“Crap,” I sigh as I lean my body against the door once I get inside.

Now they’ve probably added me to the list of women who want to screw them. Cocky shitheads.

But let’s be honest, they’d be absolutely and completely right.