“Har har,” she snarks.

She’s got a sassy mouth on her, and damn if I don’t like it.

Once I’m settled and buckled into my own seat, I ease out of the half-circle drive and start back down the road, going slow to make sure that I don’t get my own truck stuck in the ditch that runs parallel to the length of my driveway. There’s not another car out as Jem points the direction that she came from, and after about twenty minutes of careful driving I can make out the snow-covered pile that’s her car on the side of the road.

Throwing on my hazards, I pull up in front of her car and climb out. Jem climbs out behind me, and when she tries to reach for the snow on the top of the car, I stop her. “Here. You take the shovel and get started with that while I brush the snow off since I can reach it.”

She smiles at me. “Thanks.”

We work in silence for the first few minutes, the only sounds around us the soft poofs of our breath in the air.

“I was thinking of grilling up some steaks for dinner. Does that sound okay?”

“Grilling? In this weather?”

“Yeah. The cabin has an outdoor kitchen, and the grill is propane, so I just have to uncover it and we’re in business.”

“Sure. That’d be good. I can handle the sides if you show me what you have in mind.”

Her earlier warning about her inability to cook and the reminder of the fire at Ally’s bakery a few years back makes me shake my head. “Nah. I got it. I’ll throw some potatoes on with the meat and then we can have a salad.”

“You have to let me help. I can’t have you cooking for me while I’m just sitting around doing nothing.”

I shrug. “I was going to be doing my own cooking anyway. It’s nothing to add some for you.”

“Well, then I’ll do the dishes again.”

“You and that fairness.”

She sticks her tongue out at me and I shake my head at her. “Keep it up,” I warn.

“Or what?”

I round the next scoop of snow off her car into a ball and lob it in her direction. It manages to catch her on the shoulder, and fluffy flakes of snow splatter onto the bare skin of her neck. Her eyes light up with fiery determination as she declares, “Oh, it’s on.”

Instead of dropping the shovel to make her own snowball to throw at me, she lobs the entire haul of snow she has sitting in the shovel in my direction. Because of the weight of it and the force she put behind the fling, I’m covered head to toe in snow before I can evade.

“What the fuck?” I bark.

She snickers at me, and after I shake my head out and pin her with a glare, she drops the shovel and tries to skirt around the half-buried car.

“Oh no, you don’t. You’re not getting away that fast.”

She yelps and tries to make a break for it over the snow drift on the side of the ditch.

My legs are much longer than hers, though, and two long strides later I’ve got my arms around her waist and am taking her down into the snow, twisting at the last minute to take the brunt of the fall on my uninjured leg. I scoop a handful of snow and shove it down the back of her neck, as she screeches and tries to get away.

“Oh my God. Cold. Holy shit. That’s freezing.” I laugh at the high pitch of her voice and then roll her over underneath me. Snow is crusted on her dark brown eyelashes. Her cheeks are pink, eyes sparkling as she smiles up at me. Her hands come up to my neck, and she tugs me down until her mouth closes hot and slick over mine.

I nip at her lips to get her to open for me, and then our tongues are brushing and tangling. All of the blood in my body rushes to my dick, hardening it at the speed of light behind the fly of my pants.

Thank God these snow pants are thick, because otherwise she’d feel every inch of me cradled between her thighs.

I’m so lost in the kiss that I don’t realize what she’s doing before I get another face full of snow— most of it falling down my shirt to coat my chest.

“Jesus, fuck, that is cold.” Out of the corner of my eye I make out her reaching for more snow when I pin her wrist down. Her hitching breath is enough to distract me for a split second.

“Truce,” I say. “Otherwise we’re both going to be icicles before we get back to the cabin.”