I probably should have asked him to send someone to dig out Jem’s car and help her get back to town, but we can deal with her car today. I have a gas can out by the generator, and while digging her car out on our own won’t be fun, at least it won’t get taken out by a plow when they get around to clearing the roads out this way.

Just as I’m shoving my phone back into my pocket, Jem comes back into the kitchen. “Hey,” she says.

“Hey. Everything good?”

She bites her lip. “Yeah. I let Ally know that I got caught in the storm and that I’m staying with a friend.”

I nod. “Sounds good.”

“What about you? What did Jackson have to say?”

“Just that they’re clearing town right now, and that the plows won’t be out this way until later tonight or early tomorrow.”

Her eyes widen. “Shit. I need to call someone about my car.”

“We can go get it today. We’ll dig it out and then coax it here.”

“I don’t have gas.”

I point a thumb over my shoulder toward the shed behind the cabin. “I have gas for the generator. We’ll put a couple of gallons in your car and then you can fill up when you get back to town.”

“Oh. Okay. I guess I can grab my things if you’re ready to go. I bet I can even make it to town if I drive slow enough.”

“Nope. You’re staying put until the roads are at least plowed. I don’t want you driving home on the roads as they are.”

She smiles slightly at the force in my tone. But I don’t want her driving home in these conditions. Almost as much as I want her here with me for a little bit longer.

“Another sleepover then?” she says with a sly smile.

“If you’re okay with that,” I respond.

“I’d like that.” The green in her eyes sparkles just a little at the thought, and I have to stop myself from grinning back at her like a sap.

* * *

I’ve got my snow pants, winter boots, and my heavy jacket on and am in the process of wrapping a scarf around my neck when Jem comes out of the bathroom.

“You ready? It took me like forty-five minutes to make it to you, but I’m hoping the walk will go faster in the daylight.”

“We’re not walking. I have chains on my tires—haven’t taken them off from winter yet—so we can take my truck.” I open the front door, and the icy wind that’s left over from the storm blows over the both of us.

“You warm enough?” I ask, grabbing the snow shovel next to the front door. While she was getting ready, I shoveled what I could off the deck and tossed some salt down on the steps to give them a little bit of traction, but I still reach for her elbow when she starts down them.

“Yeah. My jacket has one of those thermal linings, so that helps.”

Using some form of female witchcraft, she tied her hair up in a knot on her head, leaving the graceful line of her neck open for my hungry gaze.

What would she do if I kissed her where her shoulder meets her neckline? What if I nipped and bit at the same spot?

Goddamn, I can’t stop thinking about that kiss.

I have a hunch that she’d melt for me faster than the spring snow that we’re wading through, and a half-assed plan to put it to the test takes shape in my mind.

Grill up some dinner. Play some of the board games, or watch a movie. The arm around the shoulder is a classic for a reason and then we can see if the heat from this morning was a one-time fluke or if it’s still smoldering like embers waiting to ignite. I know which camp I’m in.

Focusing on the task at hand, I work on uncovering my truck, making sure to clear enough of a path around it to get out of the driveway before I crack open the door and start it to let it heat up. Jem starts to scoop snow off the windshield with her gloved hands until I shoo her away and use my long snow brush to finish the job. I toss the shovel in the back of the truck and make sure that the emergency kit I carry with me is still there and there’s enough kitty litter to put under Jem’s tires. Finally, I walk around the hood and wave Jem into the cab.

“Your chariot awaits,” I say in my snootiest tone.