Page 10 of Say My Name

I smile. “You’re welcome.”

“Why are you here tonight?” she asks.

“Gunnar invited me.”

“I figured that part out, but you’re never here for game night. What’s different about tonight?” The hesitance on her face paints me a picture.

“You think I only came here tonight because you’re here?”

She shrugs. “You haven’t exactly been subtle when expressing your interest.”

Oh. This woman gets my back up. “Listen here, Imp. I haven’t been to one in a while because being the only single guy in coupledom isn’t the best time for me. You have nothing to do with me being here tonight. It’s just your luck that you were graced with my awesome presence.”

She snorts. The sound should be insulting, but I’m oddly charmed by the cute chuff.

“Mm-hmm, sure. Lucky me. We’re losing,” she replies.

“Not for long. Let’s go kick some Pictionary ass.”

“Based on the last few rounds, we’d have better luck winning the lottery,” she snarks.

Her words get my dander up again, and I turn on her, pinning her between me and the counter. Setting my hands on the countertop on either side of her, she’s trapped in place. “Not only are we going to win tonight, but you’re going to go on five dates with me as my prize for being the best Pictionary partner you’ve ever had.”

Her eyes widen briefly before narrowing on me in a scowl. “Is that so?”

“It sure is. Unless you’re too scared.”

The juvenile taunt in my voice is enough to have temper firing in her eyes.

“Fine. You want to take me on a date so bad, you can. We win, you get three dates. If by the end of the third date you can tell me my real name, I’ll consider going on the other two with you. But don’t say I didn’t warn you when I’m too much for you to handle.”

“You let me worry about that. Also, nobody knows your real name.”

“That sounds like a you problem. I’ll give you three dates for the win, but if you want more you have to work for it.”

“Fair enough.”

“No kissing until I initiate it, and I’m not sleeping with you.”

She agreed to multiple dates with me. She can wear a chastity belt for all I care. The sun is breaking through the dateless dreary clouds in my brain, and elation lights me up from the inside. I can be patient.

“Come on, Imp. We have a game to win.”



The sun mocks me from its vantage point over my yard on Saturday morning.

For the last three years, I’ve been able to avoid and evade Warrick’s advances. That all ended when I let my pride and need to win get the better of me.

But…a deal’s a deal. We managed to win Pictionary by the skin of our teeth, and that means I owe the man three dates. The only confidence I have anymore is the fact that the people in town who know my real name are few and far between. Even better? All of them are loyal enough I don’t expect them to spill their guts if Warrick asks them.

Tossing tie-downs into the back of my Jeep, I close the hatch and head into town. We’re three weeks out from Christmas, and I haven’t purchased a tree yet. What used to be an after-Thanksgiving dinner tradition is something I barely bother with anymore.

The putting up, decorating, remembering to turn lights on and off before taking down the mess of a dead tree at the end of the holiday is more of a hassle than the magic that Christmas was for past me.

Still, I could use the festive cheer. So I trudge my way out across slushy roads to the one place within thirty miles that sells the dang things.