Page 42 of Say My Name


“What are we doing in here?” she whispers.

“I wanted to talk to you. To apologize.”

She shakes her head. “You don’t need to apologize. I do.”

“No, I do owe you an apology. I shouldn’t have let Celeste touch me like that. I can honestly say that I didn’t think. I didn’t think about how it would look to you. Or how it might hurt you when we’d just started seeing each other. And I should have asked you about your house, not jumped to conclusions. I overreacted and made assumptions that I shouldn’t have. I’m sorry.”

She nods. “I’m sorry I was jealous and accused you of only trying to get me to go out with you because you thought that I was leaving. That wasn’t fair of me. Anyone can see—has seen—that you’re not like that. It wasn’t fair of me to take out my frustration on you.”

“You know that I wouldn’t give another woman the time of day though, right? Not when I’m with you?”

She nods. “I know. I’ve never heard of or seen you do that type of thing, and I should have thought of that before I reacted, but I wasn’t thinking.” She drags in a deep breath of air. “And I’m not selling my house. I’m applying for a loan—”

“I know. Gunnar cleared that up for me. I’m sorry that I believed that you were going to be leaving. The thought of you moving, of going back home to Idaho, made me stupid.”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about the inspection and what I was planning for the house. I’m sorry that you had to hear about it from Gunnar and that you assumed I was leaving. I’m not in the habit of sharing what’s going on in my life with other people. When Gran got sick, I slowly started closing my life off from others. I had to make the decisions. I was the one in charge of everything. When she got really bad, I had to figure everything out on my own. And after? With packing up and putting the pieces back together, moving, carrying on with my life? I learned to rely on myself, so sharing isn’t something that’s easy for me.”

I run my hands up and down her bare arms, the feel of her under my fingers again better than any New Year’s wish I could dream up.

“I think that we both need to work on our communication. This is new, so we’re going to make mistakes and misstep, but I think that if we can learn to talk to each other and listen, we’ll be okay.”

Her chocolate eyes catch mine. “You don’t want to end this?”

My eyes dip down to her lips. Actions always speak louder than words, and I go with that thought and press my lips to hers in a kiss. The taste of her explodes across my taste buds when I nibble across her lower lip. Her hands reach for my shoulders, before winding around my back, her fingers finding their home in the short strands of my hair at the back of my neck.

I drag my hands down her hips, and grabbing hold, I drag her into me. The soft cushion of her breasts meets my chest, the line of our torsos matching until the only thing I can feel, I can taste, I can touch is her.

We drag out the kiss, each of us slowly consuming the other until we’re breathless when we break apart.

I shake my head and drag in air. “No. I don’t want us to end. My feelings for you—for us—aren’t like anything I’ve felt before. You’re under my skin, Callista.”

Her gasp whistles between us. “You figured out my name.”

I nod. “I did, Ms. Snow.”

A small smile pulls at her cheeks and she asks, “How?”

I grin. “I’ll be honest. I had a little help. You remember my friend I was telling you about from Arizona? He looked up some public records for me and sent me the info.”

“That’s cheating.” She smirks.

“I’m not above cheating to get what I want.”

“And what do you want?”

“You. For today, for tomorrow, for next week, month, year. I want you.”

A flash of hesitation crosses her expression. “Are you sure? You’ve never…”

“Been with anyone that long. I know. I can’t tell you how I know you’re it. You just are.”

A shy smile pulls at her mouth before she captures the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth.

The fans of her lashes sit on her cheekbones for a second before she opens her eyes again. “I didn’t like seeing you with another woman. I was jealous, like you said, but I also realized that I had more feelings for you than I thought, and it hurt.”

I pull her close to me again. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Imp. I’m sorry.”