Page 36 of Say My Name

“Yeah. She wants to add an attached garage. There’s also some interior work she wants to do, mainly with the attic that hasn’t been used. I think she’s planning on converting it to an office or something, so she’d need to rerun the central air.”

Fuck. “So, she’s not selling.”

He shakes his head and takes a drink of his own beer before answering. “No. She’s just doing more renovations. You thought she was going to sell?”


“I don’t think Chip is the type of person to start something up with you, and then decide to jump ship as soon as you guys start dating. That’s what you guys are doing, right? Dating?”

I nod. “Well, we were. Not so sure now. Not after she accused me of using her leaving as the reason that I pushed for our dates. Especially not after I took her to bed last night and then all this happened today.”

“Wow. This is a huge misunderstanding. You didn’t even know about the appraisal until today.”

“I know that. But she doesn’t know that. I wasn’t able to get a word in edgewise.”

“So what are you gonna do?”

“Beats the fuck out of me.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, Sam went over to her house loaded with wine after her parents left. I have a feeling that she’s hurting about as much as you are right now.”


“You two should probably talk. You know what they say…communication is the cornerstone of any good relationship.”

I shake my head. I’m gonna need to do more than communicate with my stubborn Imp if I have any hope of saving our relationship.

A plan starts to form in my head. “I’ve gotta make a call.”

Gunnar stands. “I need to get home to do the dishes anyway. You’ll let me know what happens with the two of you, right?”

I nod.

Once he’s gone, I pull out my phone and dial the only number that might be able to give me an edge to fix this.


“Griff? It’s me, Warrick.”

“Hey, War. Merry Christmas! Long time no talk. How’s it going?”

“I need your help.”

“Sure. What’s up, man?”

I tell him about the deal that I made with Imp—how I need to figure out her name and how I’m no closer to discovering it now than I was when the itch to know her started after she moved here.

“Wait. You’ve taken this woman on dates and you don’t even know her name? That’s stalkerish to a whole new level.” He chuckles.

“Shut up. No one knows her name. Or at least no one that’s willing to share it with me.”

“You said she just had an appraisal done?”

“Yeah,” I say, not sure what that has to do with anything.

“Well, her name would have been on those documents. So your buddy Gunnar is holding out on you.”

Son of a bitch. I’m gonna smash my fist into his face the next time I see him.