Page 35 of Say My Name

Knowing that I’m lousy company doesn’t stop me from replying.

Me: Nah. I’ll catch up with you guys later.

I close up the office and lock up before heading to my truck.

Now that the brunt of my anger has been worked off on administrative tasks for the nursery, I wonder if I can’t talk to Chip and explain my shock at finding out she’s getting her house valued. That I didn’t only ask her out because I thought that she was moving and, in fact, didn’t think that until after we had already been together.

No. That sounds bad, even in my head.

I can tell her the truth, we can talk about it, and maybe salvage whatever this is.

I want to define it, define an “us” that we both agree with. I know I’m sure as shit not done with her. Most of all I want to know if the woman I’ve been stuck on for the better part of the last few years is staying or going.

* * *

I make it home after burying myself in work until after dark only to find Gunnar sitting in his truck in the driveway.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Chip texted Sam. Said you guys had a fight. She went over to her house, so I figured I’d come over here. How’re you holding up?”

I shrug. “You want a beer?”

“Sure.” He follows me through my house, and I pull some chilled glasses out of the fridge before pouring us our drinks.

“How’s work for you?” I ask trying to delay the conversation for as long as I can.

He rolls his eyes at me. “I have some house projects that I need to get done, like finishing the guest bath reno if you want some busy work.”

I nod. “Sure. I can help out.” My stare’s sullen as it takes in the bubbles floating aimlessly in the alcohol that I’m hoping will soothe the hurt Chip caused.

“Dude. What happened?”

I glance up at him. “Chip ended things.”

“What? Why?”

I shrug. “Celeste. Misunderstanding. A little bit of all of that.”

“What happened with Celeste?”

“She was driving through town and stopped by to see if I’d be up for a roll in the hay. Chip saw us and got upset.”

“Oh man.” He looks disappointed in me.

“No, it wasn’t like that. I told Celeste I was seeing someone. After she took off, I tried to talk to Chip about selling her house—”

“Chip’s not selling her house.”


“Chip’s not selling her house.”

“But you said she was earlier today.”

He waves a hand. “No. I said that people usually are planning to sell when they have an appraisal done. When I dropped the papers off with her, I asked. She’s planning on adding to the property. The appraisal was to refinance the house and pull the cash out for the work.”
