Page 30 of Say My Name

I’m in over my head when it comes to Chip, and I’m only realizing how badly this might turn out for me if she’s not on the same page as I am.

I can try to figure out her name all I want, and I can finagle as many dates from her as she’ll allow me, but there’s nothing I can do if she’s not planning on sticking around.

Gunnar and I eat lunch together, talking about the normal stuff that occupies our lunches— sports, work, the weather.

“You going to the masquerade ball?” he asks.

I normally make a brief appearance and then get the hell out of Dodge, preferring the company of my own house and a quiet night to the chaos of a bunch of people hiding their identities while they drink and dance the night away.

“I was going to ask Chip if she planned on going, honestly, but now I’m not so sure.”

Gunnar lifts an eyebrow in my direction. “What’s that mean?”

“Nothing.” I shake my head. “I’ll probably ask her to go. You and Sam going this year?”

“Yep. She already got us matching masks, and I picked up my suit from the dry cleaners.”

It falls silent as we finish the last of our lunches. I’m balling up the bag to toss it in the trash when he asks, “So, how’s it going with you and Chip anyway?”

He’s tucking his phone into his pocket, and I say, “Are you asking, or is your wife?” He grins sheepishly and shrugs.

“It’s going. We had our third date, so now I have to figure out her name, and if I manage to do that I’ll get two more dates with her.”

“I’ll tell you, when she finally agreed to go out with you we were surprised. We didn’t think that she was going to cave, and now you guys are the talk of the town.”

“Talk of the town?”

“Yeah. Fawn and Merry spotted you two hightailing it out of The Woodsman the other night, and after that it made the rounds pretty quick considering you two were together at the gingerbread judging and the PJ Movie day.”

“It’s going. I really like her.” Feeling like a middle schooler who finally caught the attention of his crush, heat rises into my face in embarrassment. “I just mean that I knew I wanted her, but I actually like her, if that makes sense.”

Gunnar grins at me with his dopey face, and I barely stop myself from punching him in the shoulder. “Shut up.”

“Chip and Warrick sitting in the tree…” At the teasing taunt, I give in and drill my knuckle into the meat of his bicep.

“Ow, you fucker.”

“Serves you right.” I smirk.

“I’m just saying, you two look good together. Don’t fuck it up.”

Hard to fuck up something that I’m not even sure started in the first place.

But I won’t know for sure until I talk to Chip. Which is the first thing I’m going to do after I finish work for the day.



Today went to hell in a handbasket really quick. First I overslept, because after being sexed to within an inch of my life, I didn’t turn on my darn alarm clock.

That resulted in me completely starting the day off on the wrong foot. Even with it being Christmas Day, I wanted to spend some time clearing out the last of my end-of-year admin tasks today, but it doesn’t look like it’s happening now if I want to get to the nursery to put the finishing touches on Warrick’s office.

Warrick was gone when I jumped out of bed. The only reminder that he stayed the night was the slightly tender feeling between my legs which didn’t help.

Did he get what he wanted and now moved on? He was pretty cuddly for the king of hit it and quit it, but who am I to gauge if that’s his normal operating mode?

Not being able to figure out what’s going on with us along with my own insecurities wreaked havoc on me all morning as I got ready and left the house for my morning cup of coffee.