Page 25 of Say My Name

When we get to her door, instead of her turning around to say goodnight to me, she unlocks her door and snags my hand, dragging me inside with her.

“What are we doing?”

“We’re going to remedy your little problem.” She drags me through her living room, and I don’t have time to look around. Finally being admitted to the space, I want nothing more than to look around at what she’s done with the place before she pulls me into the den off the living room.

“My little problem?” I ask.

She approaches a bookshelf and, snagging a thick book off it, turns toward me. “Here.”

“What am I supposed to do with that?”

She rolls her eyes at me like I’m the most exasperating person in the world. “Read it, of course.”

“I’m really not much of a reader. I tend to fall asleep if I try.”

She huffs out a breath. “Fine. I’ll read it to you.”

Well, now we’re getting somewhere.

I follow her back through the house, where she stops by the couch and says, “Get comfy.”

“What about your tradition?” I ask.

“I think this year we can amend it,” she says while stepping over to the fireplace and turning it on.

I’ve seen her at the nursery and around town for various events. But other than a kiss at the end of the night, we haven’t gone farther—other than the time in my office at work. I sit down next to her, and after kicking my feet up, I can’t help but think about how cozy this is. A fire in the fireplace and curling up on the couch at the end of a long day.

I don’t know how to move us forward. Which is weird for me, because if there’s one thing I don’t lack it is the confidence to make a move on a woman.

But Imp isn’t just a woman, she’s different. She means more to me than any of the women I’ve been with, and it’s tripping me up.

“Chapter One - The boy who lived,” she starts to read, and I get lost in the story, in the even cadence of her voice as she tells me the story of a boy wizard who grew up with his aunt and uncle after his parents died.

By the end of chapter five, my eyes are heavy and I’ve sprawled out on the couch, my head in Chip’s lap.

“I think that’s enough for tonight,” Chip says, echoing my thoughts.

I sit up and turn to her. If you would have told me six months ago that I’d be cozying up to Chip on her couch while she reads me a young adult novel, I would have scoffed at the thought.

Sure, I’ve been trying to get her to go out with me, but this is a whole different level of intimacy, one that I’m not sure either of us were prepared for. I didn’t know what I was missing. But I like it.

Fuck my nerves. I’m going for it. She’ll either be right there with me or shoot me down and end my misery.

I lean over and brush my lips lightly against hers. My tongue dips against the bow in her bottom lip, and she tastes like the wine she had with dinner.

We get lost in the kiss, our teeth nipping, tongues massaging, and breaths mingling until we’re both gasping for air.

I break the kiss. “I want you, Chip.”

She rubs her lips together. “I know.”

I’m hanging on to my control by my fingertips. “If you don’t want this, then I need you to let me know now so I can leave. Otherwise…”

“Otherwise?” There’s a tinge of curiosity in the question.

“Otherwise I’m going to taste you until you scream my name and I make you mine.”

Her eyes darken, the chocolate brown so deep it’s almost black. “Make me yours?”