“Me too. I’ll be in touch about date number two?”
“Sure.” He steps forward to brush a kiss across my cheek, and impulsively I turn my head so that my lips meet his.
A zing of energy shoots through me at the contact, and my lips part to suck in a surprised gasp at the sensation. His lips are firm and warm under mine, and my head goes light from the feeling of his mouth pressed against mine. I tilt my head, and he takes the invitation to deepen the kiss and runs with it. His tongue brushes against mine, and I throw every ounce of caution where he’s concerned to the wayside and suck on his lips, his tongue, anything that I can taste of him really.
Low rumbling groans come from his throat, and his hands come up to frame my face as he sucks at my lower lip before pulling back.
“Goodnight, Stacy,” he says, his voice hushed between us.
I laugh. “Nope. But nice try. Goodnight, Warrick.”
A thousand butterflies swarm around in my stomach as I let myself into the house and lock the door behind me. I switch on the living room light and give in to the urge that hit me the second he showed up at my door.
Jumping and bouncing around my living room, I dance in happiness. I still have to keep my guard up against him, because who knows if he’s actually in this for real. But right now? I’m beyond thrilled with how tonight turned out.
“Well that was adorable as fuck.” The muffled words come from outside my front window, and I shriek before whipping around.
Oh sweet Jesus, he saw me.
“Goodnight, Warrick,” I yell loudly as I run for the stairs.
“Goodnight, Imp. Sleep well,” he calls back.
I don’t stop running until I’m safely in my room and the door is shut at my back. I pull my phone out of my pocket and fire off a text to Sam.
You’ll never believe what just happened. I’m so frickin’ embarrassed.
I just got back from a date with Warrick and he caught me dancing in my living room.
Wait. A date with Warrick?
When did that happen?
Not like when did the date happen, that was obviously tonight. But when did you agree?
Also why didn’t you tell me? I need details.
Jesus. Slow down.
I can’t! I’m excited. Now tell me everything.
Sam. Breathe. Give me two seconds to reply and you’ll have the details.
I type out the short and sweet version from last night at game night to this evening and send it off.
Aww. That’s sweet. Now to your real problem. Dancing how? Like topless from a pole that’s mounted to your ceiling?
OMG NO. I had a really good time, so I was doing a good date boogie in the living room. I must have forgotten to close my curtains because he saw me and called me on it.
Oh Jesus. That’s adorable.
That’s what he said.
Well he’s not wrong.
You wouldn’t happen to have his phone number, would you? I need to text him and make him swear to forget about what he just saw.