Page 49 of Ranger Integrity

Sienna hopped out, trying to figure out what on earth was going on. Her inquisitive nature couldn’t let things be. “You’re being very mysterious.”

He took her hand and led her to the house. Sunflowers danced in the overgrown flower beds. A set of rocking chairs rested in the corner of the wide front porch. In the other corner, an oversized swing beckoned for someone to take a rest with a glass of sweet tea and a book. A grove of pecan trees grew next to a brook that weaved itself along the edge of the property. It was like something out of a story book. Sienna had always loved this place.

Eli licked his lips as he turned to face her. “The Hendersons contacted me last month. They’ve moved to Waco permanently to be closer to their daughter and grandkids.”

Sienna felt a pinch of sadness. “Oh… I’m sorry to see them go, but I understand it’s what’s best for them.” She frowned. “Wait. Why did they call to tell you this?”

“Because shortly after you and I got back together, I paid them a visit and explained that if they ever decided to sell their property, I wanted to be their first call. Since I know how much you love this house, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to buy it.”

Her mouth dropped open. “You’re going to buy the Hendersons’ property?”

He shifted nervously in his boots. “I already did.” Eli reached into the pocket of his light jacket and pulled out a small jewelry box before lowering to one knee.

Sienna gasped and tears filmed her eyes.

“Sienna Marie Evans, I want to build a life with you. I know we’ve been engaged before, and it all fell apart, but this time, things are different. I’ve changed. You’ve changed. We’ve grown and become better. Every day, I fall more and more in love with you, and there’s no one else I’d rather grow old with. Please, will you marry me?”

Tears streamed down her face and emotion clogged her throat. Sienna, unable to get the words out, nodded.

Eli slipped the beautiful engagement ring on her finger before gently wiping her tears.

She hugged and kissed him, her heart full. “I can’t believe it. How did you even think to buy this property?”

“Well, for starters, I knew how much you loved it. And your parents and brother are our neighbors. We’ll be surrounded with love and support, and if one day we’re blessed with kids, they’ll be close to family.” He cupped her face, worry clouding his features. “You’re not mad I bought it without asking you first, are you? If this doesn’t make you happy, we can sell it—”

“It makes me very happy.” She kissed him with all the love swelling inside her. “You make me happy.”

* * *

An hour later, they arrived at Fresh Start. The charity was still housed in the original warehouse, but the surrounding area was improving. It turned out the company who’d purchased a large swath of the warehouses was owned by Gideon. His family put them up for sale to raise money for his lawyer’s fees.

It hadn’t made a difference in court. Gideon was convicted of his crimes and would never see the outside of a prison cell. However, the sale of the properties meant actual businesses purchased the old buildings and could do something useful with them.

Restaurants and stores lined both sides of the street. It never failed to fill Sienna with joy to see this area of town bustling with excitement. Especially since Ruby handled most of their advertising and marketing. The young woman’s harrowing story of survival had inspired many people. Residents gathered together to make her dream of opening a marketing business a reality. While she still had a long road of recovery ahead of her, Ruby was thriving.

With God’s good blessings, and some hard work, so would Fresh Start. The setup for the fundraising carnival was already in full swing when Sienna and Eli arrived. Every ranger in Company A was there. Several arranged tables and chairs. Others were assembling booths. Dalton ran from place to place, solving problems and helping where it was needed.

Jesse trailed behind him with a clipboard. The former criminal had gone to an intensive rehab program and committed to do thousands of hours of community service. Sober, Jesse was thoughtful and kind and endlessly helpful. He’d apologized to everyone he’d hurt, including Ruby’s grandmother. Surprisingly, the two of them had lunch every week and often sat together in church. She had become something of a surrogate parent to him.

Sienna lightly elbowed Eli. “We’re late. How embarrassing.”

“No one will give a hoot once we tell them the reason for it.”

His assessment was spot on when most of the setup was finished and the group had gathered around the refreshment station for a small break. Sienna was deep in conversation with Ryker’s wife about the trials and joys of pregnancy when Hannah suddenly grabbed Sienna’s left hand.

Her eyes bulged as she took in the diamond. “What is this?”

Sienna couldn’t keep the smile from her face. “That’s why we arrived late for the setup.” She glanced at Eli. A warmth filled her insides at the love shining in his eyes. “Eli asked me to marry him and I said yes. We’re engaged.” Sienna turned back to Hannah. “Again.”

The crowd cheered. The next few minutes were spent hugging, discussing the engagement ring, and accepting well wishes. Sienna’s head spun by the time the group had dispersed, leaving only Dalton.

He hugged Sienna. “Welcome to the family. You deserve a medal for putting up with this lug for the long haul.” He shoved Eli. “Don’t screw this up, man. You won’t find better than her.”

“I’m aware.”

Eli hooked an arm around his brother’s head and tilted him down so he could muss up his hair. That move earned him a jab in the midsection with Dalton’s elbow as he twisted free. The two men laughed.

Sienna rolled her eyes at their antics, but was secretly overjoyed at how close they’d become. Eli was incredibly proud of his brother. Dalton was honest that addiction was a lifelong struggle, and there was always the chance he’d be tempted to use again, but he had the tools to reach out for help if it came to that. And Eli would be one of his first calls.