Page 145 of Wicked Little Thief

“That does help things.”

Parker glanced over at Alexandra. “I have to get back to my squirmy date.”

“Me, too.”

Liam smirked when he reached into his pocket and turned Utah’s vibrator back on. Watching her fidget was going to be his favorite thing tonight.

She shot him a look that either said, “I’m going to kill you,” or “I can’t wait to fuck you”. He wasn’t sure which, but he hoped it was the latter.



She tried keeping a low profile, but it was hard considering she was sitting next to the Person of the Year’s girlfriend and the CEO of the man’s hospital.

People came to their table all night wanting to congratulate Parker and chit-chat with Liam. Inevitably, they’d always look at the two women between the men and want an introduction.

Liam never offered her title, just her name, so most people wrote her off as the CEO’s trophy date. Utah was perfectly okay with that. The fewer people who wanted to talk to her, the better her chances of getting through the evening unscathed.

They only had one close call, when Daniel Phillips, a good-looking doctor whose name she recognized as being head of the anesthesiology department, asked, “Don’t you work at the hospital?” when they were introduced.

Fortunately, their tablemates seemed to have caught on early that Liam didn’t want that knowledge revealed. They probably chalked it up to him not wanting people gossiping about him dating an employee. Which wasn’t exactly wrong, but it wasn’t the whole truth either.

Steven Ericson, the ER Director, interrupted before she had to offer a response.

“Dan! I hear you’re hiring a new doctor?”

Daniel scowled and said, “What? Who said that?”

“James.” Steven pointed to one of the other men at the table, which judging by the surprised look on James’s face, he wasn’t expecting. He didn’t disagree though, so Daniel walked closer over to them as if he was going to set the record straight.

Utah took the opportunity to gather her clutch and murmur, “I’m going to powder my nose.”

Liam nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”

She disappeared into the bathroom before Daniel had a chance to return with more questions.

As she reapplied her lipstick in the mirror, it became obvious by the way some women stared at her who in the restroom knew Liam, and more to the point, that she was there with him.

Three women leaned against the counter where she sat on a stool in front of the well-lit mirror, and Utah took a deep breath in preparation for what was coming next.

One of them asked, “Are you here with Liam?”

Utah confirmed she was and braced herself for the catty remarks, but they surprised her by introducing themselves. Annette and Sharon were pathologists, and Cathryn was a pharmacist. All three worked at Boston General.

They complimented her dress and necklace, then proceeded to shower praise about what a great leader Liam was. She could tell it wasn’t the obligatory, “Our boss is great! Please tell him we said so…” but rather, the women offered examples of things Liam had done to earn their respect.

Knowing Liam like Utah thought she did, the stories didn’t surprise her. She’d seen how well-liked he seemed to be on the few occasions she’d walked the halls of the hospital with him. But it did fill her with a new sense of appreciation about how good a man he was.

The same man who was causing her clit to vibrate at the moment.

She felt special that she knew the side of him not many people got to see.

She adjusted herself on the stool and continued chatting with the women. Inevitably, the “what do you do?” question came up.

“I’m an IT consultant.”

It was vague but honest.