Page 119 of Wicked Little Thief

She sent Amy a text while she waited for the Keurig to brew her coffee.

Utah: Do you want to go evening gown shopping with me this afternoon, and then go to dinner? My—well, Liam’s—treat.

She didn’t expect her friend to answer until later. Amy was not a morning person and Utah envisioned her rushing around to get out the door. So, she went about grabbing a breakfast bar that she’d eat in the car on her way to work and packing a lunch that consisted of a sandwich, a string cheese stick, and an apple.

Phoebe heard her rustling around in the pantry and came to sit politely at Utah’s feet, like she did with Liam when she was expecting a treat.

Utah couldn’t help it; she caved and gave her a dental stick, reasoning it was good for her.

Transferring her coffee into a travel mug, she slung her purse over her shoulder, grabbed her power bar and sack lunch from the counter, and headed out the door.

She opened the garage and started her car, then remembered she was supposed to text Liam, so she dug her phone out of her purse and opened the text app, only to see Amy had replied.

Amy: I would love to! What time are you thinking?

Utah: The big boss said I can leave early, so it depends on what time you can get away.

Amy: How convenient that you’re screwing the big boss. How about 3?

Utah: It is pretty convenient! LOL 10 out of 10 would recommend! Do you want to meet at Lillian’s at 3:30?

Amy: I’ll see you then.

Utah: Can’t wait!

Amy: Me neither! Love you!

She tossed her phone back in her purse with a smile. Utah hadn’t seen Amy since before she had been arrested. She’d missed her friend and was excited to be able to spend some time catching up with her.



He glanced at his phone again at nine o’clock.

Still nothing from her. She was supposed to text him before she left the house, but the cameras showed her pulling out of the garage around seven-thirty.

For a split second, dread filled his gut. What if she’d taken off?

No, she wouldn’t have.

She was smart enough to recognize his place was a hundred times better than prison.

Finally, he broke down and sent her a text.

Liam: Little bee, did you make it to work?

Honeybee: OMG!

Seconds later, his phone rang in his hands.

Before he could even say hello, her voice came through the line. “I am so sorry! I was in the car and was getting ready to text you that I was leaving when I saw a text from Amy, so I replied. Then I put my phone back in my purse and drove to the hospital without a second thought.”

“What time did you get here?”


“So, you’ve been here an hour, and it never once occurred to you to send me a text?”