He nodded, and said loudly, “That’s Kailey.” The oldest girl turned and waved, then resumed petting Phoebe. “And that’s Briana.”
The younger girl called, “Hi!” then started talking to Utah.
Aiden gestured to Utah. “And who’s that?”
“That’s uh…”
How did he explain who she was?
He tried again. “That’s Utah Douglas. She’s going to be consulting with the IT department at the hospital.”
Aiden mouth twisted into a grin. “And you’re doing her orientation—the CEO, personally—on a hike at World’s End on a Sunday afternoon?”
“Something like that.”
Kailey commented to Utah, “Oh, I love your necklace!”
Utah touched the honeybee hanging from the collar. “Thank you.” She glanced Liam’s way with a smile and said, “Liam got it for me.”
Aiden’s grin grew wider, like he understood what the necklace meant. But all he said was, “For what it’s worth, I’m glad to see you out of your office and spending time with someone other than Parker.”
“Parker ditched me over a month ago; not that I blame him. Alexandra is much prettier than I am.”
Aiden glanced back at his daughters and Utah playing with Phoebe.
“So, you got yourself a pretty girl and a dog to boot.”
Liam narrowed his eyes at Aiden as he remembered something.
“The dog is your girlfriend’s fault. She talked me into adopting her at the Animal Rescue Foundation gala.”
“My girlfriend? You mean Dakota?”
“Yeah. Utah is actually Dakota’s sister.”
Aiden whipped his head around to study Utah carefully.
“Wow, now that you say it, I can totally see the resemblance.” His look was wistful when he turned back to face Liam. “But Dakota’s not my girlfriend. We dated a few times, that’s all.”
“My mistake. I’m sorry, man.”
“Yeah, me too.”
They stood in silence watching the women, like they were both lost in their own thoughts, until Aiden said loudly so his daughters could hear, “Well, I better get these girls back to their mother’s house; I’m on call tonight.”
Kailey and Brianna dutifully stood and gushed how it was nice to meet Utah, then the three approached where the men were standing.
“Good seeing you outside of work,” Liam said, offering his hand again.
“You, too.” Aiden turned his attention to Utah and stuck his hand out. “I’m Aiden, by the way. I understand I’ll be seeing you around the hospital, as well.”
Utah glanced at Liam. He fucking loved that her first reaction was to get his approval. He subtly nodded his head, and she shook his hand.
“I start tomorrow.”
“Well, welcome aboard. I’m sure Liam is going to fill you in about everything, but if you ever find yourself stuck, and he’s not around, come find me. I’ll help you.”