I nodded and for a few minutes, closed my eyes, letting this safety wash over me. This belonging.
Drowning in the presence of my mate. My mates—plural.
“Hey, am I interrupting?” Collyn came back into the room with a hoodie on and some pajama pants, but he looked stiff and a little uncomfortable, as though this wasn’t what he would normally wear to bed at all.
“Not at all,” I answered. “I thought you were tired.” I couldn’t help the smile that grew on my face.
He squinted at me. “Mm-hmm. Sure you did. What are we talking about?”
Fitz rubbed the top of my arm, while Collyn sat next to me. The couch dipped, squishing me between them. Gods, I felt safe here. “Haven told me that she has been lonely. I asked her how in the world we could fit into this life of hers. How we could contribute anything. She’s this smart, successful, gorgeous woman and I wanted her opinion on how we could add to her life.”
“Haven, is there even a place for us in your life?” Collyn asked.
“Yes.” I let go of my apprehension for good. “The successful, smart, woman you’re talking about is only the side everyone sees. It comes with assumptions. That I need no one and nothing. That everything about me is complete. Well, I’m far from it.”
Collyn pulled my legs on top of his lap. I allowed the move. Fitz was right. I was probably touch-starved. Needing affection and attention. “Then take us past those assumptions, female. Tell us what you hunger for—tell us your secrets.” His voice infiltrated my body and meandered around, warming every inch. I swore the more they touched me, the more I wanted.
“My wolf is an omega. She and I are at war most of the time. I can provide for myself in most ways. I’m financially well-off. I’m self-employed. But she needs things money can’t provide.”
“An omega wolf?” Fitz asked, turning a bit. “I wouldn’t have guessed.”
I nodded. “She is. She craves safety. Protection. Care. Comfort. Security. Affection. Nesting. All the things my human side can’t give her.”
Collyn kneaded my feet. His hands were rough, the callouses giving the right amount of friction against my softer skin. The muscles in his fingers were strong, and I could tell this wasn’t his first time rubbing someone’s feet. “What else, Haven? Tell us everything that precious wolf craves.”
I blew out a breath. Not even Tilly knew about about the things I yearned for that I kept to myself. “I want a family. I want cubs running around. I bought this house not to hear my own voice echo against the walls but to fill the bedrooms with children and plaster the walls with pictures of my family. My family. Shit.” I swiped at tears that flowed down my face. I worked hard to stop myself from getting emotional but, with Fitz and Collyn, my emotions would be accepted and not judged. “I’ve never told that to anyone, for the record. Everyone questioned why I bought such a large house. They thought I was showing off or trying to make others jealous.”
“But you wanted it for your family.” Fitz kissed the top of my head and leaned his head against mine. “Thank you for sharing that with us. We want those same things, Haven, and we want them for you.”
We sat in silence for a few moments. Collyn dragged me into oblivion with his foot rubbing, while Fitz nuzzled my hair.
“Do you have a den, sweetheart?” Fitz said. “Is that where you sleep?”
I nodded. “I’ve never used it. It’s there. I made it myself. But I sleep in my bed. Didn’t feel right without mates.”
Collyn looked over my head, and I assumed he and Fitz were sharing some kind of wordless communication. “Would you show it to us? Would that be something you are comfortable with?”
I swallowed, thinking it over. My wolf yipped inside me, exuberant about showing her mates her den. “I want to show you.”
They walked upstairs with me, each of them holding one of my hands. I opened my bedroom door. “My den is only accessible through here.”
We entered into the walk-in closet, and they paused, looking around. I giggled, showing them the door that was made to blend into the paneling. “It’s through here.” I made sure they could see how I opened it.
My wolf liked a cozy den. A round mattress filled most of the room, made up with special-ordered bedding. The only thing it lacked was the scent of my mates.
“This is it. I call it my nest sometimes.”
“Ah, Haven,” Collyn said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind while Fitz placed a kiss on my temple. “It’s beautiful.”
I sucked in a breath. “Can we sleep here tonight? Can we sleep in my nest together for the first time?”
Chapter Seventeen
Our mate smelled like home. It was hard to describe. Perhaps a hint of cinnamon and vanilla. And I woke with her in my arms. A crashing wave of contentment hit me right in the chest.
My wolf was bonded already. Without mating. Without marking.