I took my time undressing and washing the makeup from my face. I didn’t ever wear much but wanted it off as soon as I got home.

Quickly, I changed into a comfy lounge set and padded back down with bare feet and my hair up in a messy bun. Time to face the music.

When I came into the kitchen, they both stood. I laughed nervously. “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do here.”

Collyn smiled and nodded. Gods, he was a sight. Big and brawny but warm and inviting. “Would a hug be out of order, female?” His voice wrapped around me like the best velvety blanket.

“No. Of course not.” I walked over and let him wrap me in his embrace. They both towered above me, which I didn’t expect, even though Tilly called me fun-size all the time. His arms were strong and warm. I sank into the hug, and honestly, could’ve forgone dinner altogether in favor of his hold. Fitz, almost as muscled but a bit leaner, did the same, and I wondered for a second what it would feel like to be sandwiched between them.

Whoa, that thought spiraled into others that involved me being in the middle in entirely other ways than hugging.

My wolf didn’t mind those ideas at all.

“I can’t believe you did this. I can’t remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal.”

“Please, let me,” Fitz said. He filled a plate with meat loaf, mashed potatoes, and roasted green beans, along with a roll on the side then placed it in front of me with a wink. “We didn’t know if you had wine with your meal or water or…”

“Water is fine,” I answered. “I still have work to do. There’s always work to do.”

Collyn cleared his throat. “Tilly relayed some of that to us. Along with the fact that you own and operate the app that brought us here.”

I gasped.

“A little fact you left out in our talks, Haven.”

I stabbed my meat loaf. “I know. I’m sorry. I didn’t want…hell, I don’t know exactly why I didn’t tell you.”

“Well,” Fitz started. “We are damned proud of you. Tilly went on and on, telling us how amazing you are and how you started everything on your own. We’re in the presence of a genius. A beautiful, kind, boss genius.”

I scoffed at their assessment but noticed they weren’t eating. “Why aren’t you eating?” I asked.

They shared a look. Collyn put his hand over mine. “We’re a bit old-fashioned, female. You get started and then we will feel free to eat.”

Waiting for me to take the first bite? Was that a thing? My instinct was to be weirded out, but then the opposite feeling sank in. I felt…honored? Respected? Adored?

Then again, maybe this was two guys just being polite.

“There.” I ate the bite of meat loaf and they both nodded and started in, eating with gusto.

“How was your day? Tilly mentioned you were scheduled pretty tightly? We took that to mean not a lot of breaks in between meetings and such?” Fitz was handsome. Boyish features and a killer smile.

“That’s exactly what it means. I had to pause a meeting at two because I had to use the restroom so badly. Tilly tries not to schedule me like that, but sometimes it simply can’t be avoided. I’m exhausted even though my ass has been planted in my chair all day.”

Fitz nodded. “I understand that. People think that just because we sit at a desk, it means that we never get physically tired. But it’s hard to sit there and get all your work done without a break. Mentally taxing as well. Do you have any measures in place to purposefully relax?”

“Relax? What’s that?” I asked, laughing. “What about you two? I didn’t ask about your flights or getting here? I bet you were more than surprised to see Tilly instead of me. Oh, and are the guest rooms all right? Is there anything you need?” My sentences ran together. It happened. My brain often worked faster and harder than my mouth, and everything came out in a messy jumble.

They both chuckled.

“We are fine. The trip here was bumpy but we expected it, so it was fine. If we need anything, we are big boys who can get it ourselves. Did you want dessert?” Fitz got up and took a few tubs of ice cream from the freezer. He held them up so I could see the labels. “We didn’t know what kind you would like.”

“The cinnamon bun one sounds amazing. I usually eat out of a box at my desk upstairs,” I admitted, though I’d never told anyone about that. It almost seemed embarrassing the way I devoted myself so deeply that I didn’t even take out time to eat a meal unless I was at my desk or Tilly forced me out of the house.

“I understand. I eat at my desk sometimes, too,” Fitz admitted, setting the cartons and some bowls on the table.

Collyn served it up. “Here you go,” Collyn said, putting a bowl in front of me and accompanied the cold dessert with a wink that I swore shot right through me and into my core. I’d never had a reaction to a male like this before.

My wolf was damned near panting for them.