“Go to bed, sweetheart.” There that word went again. It flew out of my mouth at will around this female. “You’re tired and we have some planning to do. We promise to get to you as soon as we can.”
“Promise?” she asked as though it were a foreign concept. Or perhaps keeping promises was something that didn’t happen to her.
We would fix that.
“We promise, Haven,” Collyn said.
We put the phone down after saying our goodbyes and sat in silence for a while. In a few hours, the sun would come up, but I found myself more awake than ever.
Maybe alive for the first time in a long time.
“I’m booking the tickets and cleaning out the fridge,” Collyn said, getting up and grabbing his laptop.
“What about sleep?” I chuckled at his exuberance.
“We can sleep on the plane and probably in car shares.” He stopped clicking and looked at me. “We can be the mates she needs, Fitz. Because I already know she’s the mate I need.”
I clapped him on the shoulder, already writing up my email to my bosses and deciding what to pack. “Same, Collyn. Same.”
Chapter Ten
I usually took a call from Tilly on the morning commute to the office, but this morning, I had other things to do. Sure, Tilly would’ve done them for me if I asked her to, but I wanted to make the calls myself.
After all, it was my potential mates coming to live in my house. We’d decided last night that a month would be the trial period and, after that, we would make the decision to carry on or throw the towel in.
Last night, as I lay in bed, I found myself scrolling through their profiles instead of getting the sleep I so desperately needed.
Then it hit me.
I had to get ready for my mates to get here. Gods, I was in deep trouble with these two. They were funny and charming. They called me beautiful, but in a way where I felt cherished and not…like a piece of meat.
Before Jerome, I hadn’t dated a lot. By not a lot, I meant hardly ever, but I knew the difference between a sleazy compliment and one that came from the heart. That night, as Jerome looked me over, judging me and making his presumptions, I felt like an object instead of a person.
I made arrangements for someone to come in and clean my house from top to bottom as well as make sure the guest suites were fit and ready for immediate company. I called an organizing friend of mine, someone who had helped me when I was overwhelmed a few times. She would come in later in the afternoon and make sure the guest suites had towels and everything to make Collyn and Fitz feel comfortable and right at home.
The least I could do since they already had wiggled their way into my heart.
“You what?” Tilly said over the phone when I called her last. Of course, she would have a visceral reaction to the news but hadn’t prepared my ears.
“I want to take this chance, Tilly. Don’t you dare give me hell. This was your idea. You reactivated my account.”
She snorted as I turned off my car and grabbed my phone, my bags, and my coffee. “I can’t believe you’re blaming me.”
We argued until I got to my floor and came face-to-face with her. I hung up the phone and dropped my things onto the chair by my desk. “Are they as cute in person?”
I laughed. “Cute, no. Ruggedly handsome? Yes.”
She shook her head. “Your schedule is packed today, full to the gills, but is there anything I need to help with?”
“Only picking them up from the airport…” I checked my phone. Collyn and Fitz had arranged their flight in the wee hours of the morning. “At three tomorrow afternoon?”
Tilly cocked her hip and tightened her jaw. “You’re kidding me, right? Please tell me you’re not sending me to pick up your mates from the damned airport.”
I barely contained a laugh. “You’re my personal assistant. Plus, I figured you’d want to threaten them with removing their balls if they did anything to hurt me.”
Tilly blinked a few times. “I don’t think I give your genius enough credit. I am going to enjoy picking them up from the airport.”