He moved closer, and I opened my mouth and took him in. The salty taste of pre-cum tingled on my tongue just as Fitz thrust inside me. I’d wondered how I’d do with two men, but it was all so easy, so smooth, and so incredibly hot. I used lips, teeth, and tongue on Collyn’s cock, squeezing the part of his very large shaft that I could not fit inside.
They moved in synchrony, and after a while, I almost couldn’t tell who was moving where. Collyn moved to straddle my shoulders and took over control, fucking my mouth, stroking my hair, and guiding me while Fitz drove deeper with each stroke. My sheath tightened around him, my cries stifled by my filled mouth, but that was hot, too. And then, I was at the peak, tumbling over and shuddering head to toe. With a roar, Fitz poured his cum into my body, the whole thing triggering Collyn to pump his down my throat. I swallowed as much as I could, but a trickle ran down my chin and my neck to dampen the pillow.
I expected a break, but as soon as Fitz withdrew, Collyn took his place and flipped me over to drive into me from behind. I was lost in a whirl of pleasure, wanting more, wanting everything, and coming again and again until I didn’t know how many times it happened.
Only that when Collyn came, he joined Fitz in bracketing me in the nest, and their sharp teeth sank into either side of my neck. The orgasm that brought made me scream. After we rested for a few minutes—this time there was a break—they carried me into the shower and washed me carefully from head to toe. I thought they might make love to me again—to all appearances, they were ready, but other than kisses and the occasional caress, they kept their touch soft, gentle, and then dried me before tucking me into my bed.
“The nest is a little messy,” Collyn said, tucking the covers up to my chin. “We’ll get it back together tomorrow, but let’s sleep here for tonight.”
“All right.” My fingers strayed up to my throat, feeling the marks they put there. “As long as you’re both with me, it will be perfect.”
Chapter Twenty-One
The sound of water stirred me from what I was sure was the deepest and heaviest sleep of my life. Had to be Collyn in the shower because Haven was plastered to my side with her arm wrapped around my waist. I turned, trying not to jostle her and failing. Last night had been one of the most incredible of my life. Twice in the early hours of the morning as well. “Good morning, beautiful mate.”
Though Haven’s eyes were still closed, a smile took shape on her face. I leaned over and kissed her full lips, and she stirred, nuzzling my chest. “Hmm, good morning.” She reached behind her and patted the mattress and, upon not finding Collyn, she frowned. “Where’s my other mate?”
“I’m right here, Haven.” Collyn came out of the bathroom adjoining her bedroom.
She rolled over and reached out her arms for him. Of course, he came into bed without hesitation with a chuckle. “So damned needy.”
“I hate to even ask this but I don’t hear my phone ringing. What time is it?” She giggled as Collyn kissed her neck while I made circles around one of her nipples. It was exposed once the sheet fell down and tightened, turning a darker color as I teased her.
“It’s a bit after six,” Collyn answered. “I was going to wake you after I got out of the shower.”
She stretched, raising her arms above her head and I growled. She was ours and, while it had only been a few days, it felt like forever to my wolf. “I’m thinking about calling in well. Did you know that I offer that to my employees? If they are having a good day or feeling great or the weather is fantastic, they can call in well. It’s a thing.”
I chuckled. There were so many sides to our mate. “I won’t argue, and neither will Collyn. I’m sure there are plenty of ways we can make this a very good day.”
Tilly must’ve heard us scheming to keep our mate in bed all day because she called right at that moment. Haven got up and answered.
From what I could hear, it didn’t sound like calling in well would be an option.
She put the phone down. “She brought the hammer down. I have to go in.”
I kissed her and got up. “Then we have breakfast and coffee to make and you need to get dressed. In the shower with you, boss female.”
“You two could join me?” She blushed. After everything we did the night before, this woman blushed. I loved it.
“That’s a good way not to go to work. I’m not having Tilly come in here and kick our asses.”
Thirty minutes later, she came down, dressed in a pale-blue dress with a matching blazer that set off the color of her eyes, making them appear to be oceans. “I smell eggs,” she said, sitting on the bottom step to put her shoes on. I loved her little routines.
I held up a bag. “Egg bites and coffee. We’ll see you later?”
“Of course.” She kissed each of us and then went on her way.
I turned to see Collyn with his jaw clenched. He nailed me with a stare. “She didn’t say anything.”
Clapping him on the shoulder, I went into the kitchen to eat and clean up. Probably at the same time. “She had to go to work. You know how she asked us to mate her last night?”
He nodded. “I’ll never forget that moment.”
“This is the same. If she asks us to stay. Asks us to live with her. It all is in her hands.”
He nodded. All of this was different from Sela. We took the lead in that mating. In this one, Haven called the shots.