Too far. Wewill continue to be too far for quite a while.

She blinked athis grim expression. “I just thought to get out fromunderfoot.”

You willstay.

“Until thewedding.”

Yes. Hisgaze was narrow, and he flicked water at her with the sign.

She wiped thedrops of water off her cheek. “And then someone will help me gethome?”

He winced.We will talk about it.

“I don’t thinkthat we should talk much. I am obviously disrupting yourroutine.”

I can deal withdisruption. Not just a pretty face.

She snorted alaugh.

They soaked fora few more minutes, and then a servant brought them towels and afolded robe for Ivetha. There was something for Arata as well, butIvetha carefully moved out of the pool, towelled off, and then puton another generic sleeping robe. She was clean, she was covered,it was something. She was so tired that she really didn’t care.


A gentle hand woke herup. “Ivy. How are you feeling?”

Ivetha openedher eyes and saw Sariah dressed in Ekovar clothing. “Hey. I am alittle weak. Otherwise, fine. Got a bath.”

Sariah smiledgently. “Yeah, I know. You are looking better.”

Ivetha noticedthat her sister was eye-to-eye. “This isn’t right. Are you leaningover?”

Sariah grinned.“No. You are sitting up.”

Ivetha startedmoving, and then she felt it. There was a hand around her waist andholding her in place. She was sitting on something hard and warm,and there was a desk in front of her. She whispered, “Where amI?”

Sariah lookedat her face and must have seen the confusion. “Akio’s brother hasbeen taking care of you. You are in his office.”

“Oh.” Ivethaswallowed and asked for something she never had before. “Sariah,can you take care of me? Just for a few days. I will just stay putif you can bring me food until I am better.” She felt tears in hereyes. “I won’t be any trouble.”

Arata’s handcame out and gestured for Sariah to leave, and he made it clear itwas only for five minutes. Ivetha watched Sariah frown andleave.

Arata liftedher from his lap and set her on the edge of his desk. He looked herin the eye. What was that?

“I am in theway. You don’t normally talk with your left hand. I told you Iwould get in the way.” She looked at him. “When did I passout?”

Fell asleepon the stairs. Six hours ago. Hungry? His expression waspolitely curious.

“Why the hellwould you hang onto me?”

Peaceful. Youcried when I tried to put you down.

She wasmortified. “I am so sorry. Really sorry.”

Why? Hisconfusion was genuine.

She signed sothat no one outside would hear. You have a woman here. It iswrong to spend time with me. I don’t feel good about it.

How do youknow?