Ivetha woke up withlight all around her. She slowly sat up, and the maid who waswatching her gasped and ran out of the room.
Ivetha got upon hands and knees and then pushed herself upright using the wallfor support. She walked to the bathroom and cupped her hand,scooping water into her mouth. It felt like forever, but shefinally subdued the burning in her mouth and throat. She bent andpressed her forehead to the cool surface of the sink.
There was asoft knock, and Ivetha straightened and opened the door. Shestared, rubbed her eyes, and stared again. She waited.
He signed,Hello. You have been unconscious for two days.
She nodded. “Iguessed by the fact that I feel like a dried-out husk.”
Come withme.
“Fine. Walkslow. I can’t match your normal pace.”
He nodded, andshe walked toward him. He backed away, and at a snail’s pace, shemade her way into the hall. She kept her hand braced against thewall as she walked, and he finally moved ahead of her.
Stop. May Icarry you?
She grimaced.“I smell.”
He paused andsmiled. Yes.
“I don’t evenwant any contact with myself and definitely don’t want anyone elsetouching me.” She sighed. “So, either wait for me or get a bucketwith soapy water to take care of the stench.”
He looked ather struggling to walk. No.
He picked herup, and she covered her face. He walked through the halls, and shecaught the scent of food. She peeped between her fingers and sawthe low table with a selection of covered bowls.
He set her downon a cushion with a back for easy seating and sat down within easyreach. Food is soft. Eat.
She nodded andremoved the lid of the bowl in front of her with a shaking hand.She tried to pick up a spoon, but it wobbled violently. Instead,she cupped her hands around the bowl of broth and lifted itcarefully to her lips.
Arata watchedher the whole time. His almond-shaped eyes were moss green andfocused on every move she made. She took in the golden skin, thethick crest of black hair that waved down his back.
She tried notto look at his body. By Aksallan standards, he was half-dressed. ByEkovar standards, he was overdressed.
His torso wasbare, and his markings were visible. They were lovely and evenbetter when they glowed. The knee-length skirt was made of a blackgauze fabric. There were pleats, and each one meant something, asdid each sway and tuck. A black leather belt made the skirtstable.
She slightlysmiled when she noted that his feet were bare. He normally ranaround in boots.
She drank threedifferent broths, one savoury gruel, and finished with a fruitslush that she was able to manage with a spoon.
She was eatingthe icy treat when he finally spoke to her.
What did youfeel when I spoke?
She blinked.“What?”
He frowned andlooked at her, whispering, “When I spoke.”
Waves of energyslammed into her, and she felt better and stronger. “Uh,stronger.”
“No pain?”
“No. Just...tingling.” She sipped at the melt of the slush and set the emptybowl down.
She glanced athim, and he was stunned.
“They wouldnever have let you have dates with me if I was truly in danger froma casual word.”