Aluhara wasdazzled by Sariah, and Ivetha moved away to let them have theirintroduction.
She walkedtoward Arata, but Akio was speaking for him with Aluhara’s husband.They were all frowning at whatever was being discussed.
Ivetha lookedaround and walked toward a window. She stared out at the endlesssand and bright sunlight.
She feltfingers trailing down her bicep, and she stepped away. “Stop.”
The Sethir malesmirked. “Stop so soon? We haven’t even gotten tointroductions.”
“I am visitingmy mother.”
“I don’t seeher.”
“She’s overthere.” Ivetha turned, and the table was empty, and the men weregone. “She was over there.” She was nervous and started to build acharge.
“She isn’tthere now. Perhaps I can take you on a long walk and help you findher.”
“No. I willfind them.”
“The others Iarrived with.” She sent out a pulse of silent sound and waited.
A responsecame, and she exhaled. “They are coming for me.”
He frowned. “Iam sure I could find them faster.”
“No. It’s fine.They are coming for me.” She kept backing away as the man withbright blue eyes and dark hair kept approaching her.
He reached forher again, and she slammed her shield up. He blinked and struck hershielding with a fist that turned green and rough as it madecontact. She held the shield as he tried to beat through it.
She finallyshoved him back and held him to the ground with waves of soundcompressing his chest. “What was your final end game?”
He choked andflailed, and when blood started to come out through his nose andmouth, she let up, listening to the soggy sounds of breathing.
There was atouch on her shoulder, and an irritated Arata was standing therewith Akio behind him, and Aluhara’s husband seemed to be inshock.
Ivetha bowed.“I am sorry. He touched me and kept closing in on me. Someoneshould call him assistance.”
Hersemi-step-father made the call, and Arata glared at the man who wasmoving slowly on the ground. She signed, I am sorry. I nevernoticed when I was left on my own.
I thought youwere with Aluhara and your sister.
When Sariaharrived, I couldn’t keep up with the conversation. I am missing theperky gene.
Why didn’t youcall for me before?
It justhappened. I was standing and looking out that window, and then hewas stroking my arm and getting closer and closer. I tried todefuse the situation, but when he showed signs of furtheraggression, I called you. When he pressed in toward me, I used myshield, and when he pounded against it, I put him on the floor.
And then wecame in.
She nodded.Medics were swarming around the man and getting him stabilized. Shepursed her lips and muttered, “I think I am getting introuble.”
He cuddled heragainst him and murmured against her temple. “Not on my watch.”
She lifted herhead. “I can take the punishment.”
His expressiontightened. He shook his head.