He smiled.You used your activation to remove yourself from a point ofstress. Why not come to me?

“You aresitting in the big chair, so I was trying to use protocol not toembarrass you and just to embarrass myself.”

They thoughtyour takeoff was a conclusion to the dance and a celebration of theday. Or so my aunt told everyone. His smile was kind, and hisred flower crown was very aromatic.

Her stomachtwinged. I think I am hangry.

It is a goodthing that this is a feast. He smiled and rinsed his fingers ina bowl, grabbed a wide leaf, loaded it quickly with different itemsof sweet and savoury, and placed the leaf in her hands.

She frowned andlooked at the gathered couples that were now waiting for her toeat. He lifted the first bite, and she took it. Roasted pork. Thatreleased everyone else, and the party kicked into high gear.

Ivetha kepttrying to serve herself, but Arata avoided her hands and murmuredto her cheek, “Part of the ritual.”

She gave him adark look and contemplated biting his fingers, but his slight smilepromised that the biting wouldn’t be one way. Ivetha looked aroundat the other couples that were laughing and reliving their ownweddings.

“It is sweetthat this is for bonded couples.”

He nodded andsmiled. He pressed his lips to her cheek. “When my father returns,we have to do it all over again. Consider this practice.”

She held in theshiver that went through her and muttered, “Shut up, you chattyjerk.”

He grinned andkissed her before continuing to feed her. By the time she was done,everyone else was chatting, and the musicians had taken up theirstation, and the music started.

Helthiot got upand grabbed a longer garland of flowers and danced for a fewmeasures then dropped the garland around Akio’s neck. Akio grinnedand got up to dance. He was impressive, especially when ten otherAkios appeared and danced in step. He could really move well.

When hereassembled, he walked to Sariah, and she spun with streamers oflight coming out of her hands and swirling around her hips.

Sariah gave thegarland to one of the ladies they had spoken to that afternoon. Herdance was fun and energetic, and when she wanted to hand thegarland over, she chose her husband.

Ivetha leanedagainst Arata, and he held her, stroking her arm as they watchedeveryone perform, goof around, and laugh as they became theentertainment for the group. Tuurin’s husband finished his dance;the men hooted and applauded. The women laughed and congratulatedTuurin, and Tuurin bowed and took the accolades. Her husband walkedup to Ivetha with a smile, and he was going to put the garland onher head, but she took it on her wrist and looked at Arata. “I hopeyou can dance.”

She looped thegarland over his wrist and got off his lap, pulling him up and ontothe floor. He gave her a look that said she would hear about itlater, and the petrified musicians were silent. Ivetha smiled, andmusic started pouring out of her. Arata wrapped her in his arms,and they slowly danced the same way they had on their firstdate.

He smiled, andshe smiled as she became a living music box, and they swayed totheir song. He dipped her as the song ended and picked her up for akiss. She let her body go silent and returned the kiss withenthusiasm.

He whisperedagainst her mouth, “Now do it properly. I want to see youmove.”

When he set herdown, she was wearing the garland around her neck. “This costsextra.”

He grinned andreturned to his seat.

She walked overto the musicians and explained what she wanted. They grinned, andshe returned to the dance area. When the lighter drums started, sherocked her hips in a rapid cycle and then began to move. She sawthe stunned expression on the ladies’ faces as well as the men’s,and then Helthiot began to grin as Ivetha’s hips kept a steady,fast beat. When the music was ending, she tossed the garland toYalmara, who got up with a grin.

She walked backto Arata, and he raised his brows at her.

“What? I wasdating someone from Ekovar. I studied.” She smirked, and he pulledher against him as his aunt danced slow and dignified. “I am superglad that no one here has anything recorded.”

He shook hishead and held out his arm, bringing up the image of her with herhips moving in a blur. The projection came out of his skin.

She clapped herhands over her mouth and pushed his arm down. His eyes werecrinkled in amusement. He signed, I thought you were amazing.You will need to keep practicing. I will help.

She closed hereyes and leaned against his shoulder. “Thanks. You are such atrooper.”

He tilted herhead back and kissed her. It was sweet, and then it wasn’t. Sheyelped when his hand circled her neck and held her as he ravagedher mouth. His teeth were definitely down, and the last thing hehad eaten was the melon. Wait. he didn’t eat.

When he liftedhis head, she asked, “Why do you taste like melon?”

His eyescrinkled again. He tapped her lips with his finger, and she nippedit.