“Oh, I wasasking if she does this to every bridal party, and she said no,just the brides.”
You aren’tgoing to tell her.
Ivetha lookedat the mother-in-law that Sariah was about to receive. No. Justrespecting Aksallan tradition. Tomorrow is for her andAkio.
Helthiotreached forward and took Ivetha’s hand, squeezing it before lettinggo and saying, This is not Aksalla. Ask Tuurin about why we haverules about family marriages. Two sisters marrying two brotherswill create too many offspring to blend into ourpopulation.
Ivetha cockedher head. We aren’t actually full siblings.
What?Helthiot asked, her eyes wide.
Ivetha spokeout loud. “Sariah and I are half-sisters. We have different maledonors. We don’t know who they are. We were canister-grownsomewhere.”
I didn’tknow.
“No reason foryou to. It isn’t common and is very expensive. We have just locatedour donor mother. Or someone has located us.”
Have youmet?
“No. I justlearned this yesterday morning. There hasn’t been time to makecontact, but Aluhara is eager for a reunion. We are two of twelve.She has met some of the others already.”
Sariah nodded.“Ivetha just told me.”
Wait. Aluhara?Of the Sethir-Nin?
Ivetha nodded.“You have heard of her?”
The mosteternally beautiful Aluhara. All of my generation has heard of her.Even here. Helthiot smiled and waved her hands around at theisland.
“It would benice to meet her one day.”
Do you know whofathered you?
“Whose donationit was? Not a clue. It is a drop in the ocean at this rate.Literally. Don’t know nationality, activation, nothing.”
Do you wantto?
“Not if he is adick.”
Helthiotlaughed silently.
There was amurmur from the ladies who were sitting in little groups. From oneof the dark pathways, a parade of men bringing platters of meat andcarrying cups and casks hiked into the previously all-femalespace.
One of the menbrought garlands to the ladies, and Helthiot smiled. Give theflowers to the man you would share dinner with.
Sariah got awhite and gold garland, launched to her feet, and headed over toAkio.
Ivetha’sgarland was set in her hands, and the dark crimson petals spilledover her fingers. She looked over to where the men were kneelingand being selected by the ladies, one by one. He didn’t eat, or atleast not in front of her, but she stifled a groan as she got toher feet and walked over to him. Arata bowed his head as shesettled the garland on his head.
He looked up,and his eyes were shining. He surged to his feet and lifted her sothey were face-to-face. She kissed him in front of everyone, andhis arms tightened until she had caught every low gasping groanthat he offered her.
When he set herdown, she noticed everyone was coupled up and seated. He walked tothe fan-backed cushion and settled against it with her on his lap.His chest was at her back, and his hands were in front of her.
He carefullysigned, So, you have met my mother.
It was hard toread the signs from behind his hands, but she managed. “Oh, yeah.She’s curious about us but very sweet.”
Sweet is nothow I describe her. Strong-willed is closer. Brutally determined ishow my father used to describe her.