Helthiotstepped between them, and her hands moved rapidly and smacked intoeach other. She was pissed. No one was translating for her, so Bexsaid, “Ivetha, what is she saying?”
“I don’t know,but she’s shouting at you.” Tuurin held her back.
“I am not anofficial translator. You always told me that if I wasn’tauthorized, I shouldn’t pretend I could do it. I have alwayslistened to what you said.”
Helthiot movedin between them, and there was no chance to see anything. All shesaw were the woman’s shoulders moving.
Akio came overand put his hand on his mother’s shoulder. “Uh, Ms. Bex, my motherwants to know why you don’t treat your daughters the same. Iconfess to being curious.”
Bex growled.“Ivetha is a disaster. She’s too loud.”
Akio asked,“That’s it?”
“Yes. Sariah isbeautiful and graceful. Everyone loves to watch her light.” Bex wasbragging. There was nothing to it; the gloat was unmistakable.
“Who paid forher to travel the world?” Akio asked politely.
“She did.”
Helthiot’shands smacked together. Akio translated. “I met her, and she saidher sister had bought her the bike, the security tags, and thestipend so she could roam the world to figure out what she wantedto do with her life. I am happy she has chosen Akio, but what aboutIvetha? I am worried for her.”
“Madame,respectfully, she can take care of herself, and if she doesn’t,then it was because she was lazy.”
“What aboutSariah’s laziness?”
“She is justtrying to find herself.”
Akio said,“She’s twenty-three. I found her, and she definitely knows who sheis. Why did Ivetha have to support her?”
“She’s hersister. Once they were eighteen, they were on their own.”
Sariah came upand asked, “What is the problem? Mom, what is the issue?”
Helthiot’shands were fast. Akio said, “She treats her daughters unequally andis hostile to poor Ivetha. Arata wants to marry her but hasrejected him because she feels you will not be happy to have hernearby. Is that true?”
Sariah staredat Ivetha, and Ivetha shrugged. Sariah teared up. “No, it isn’ttrue, but it is what she would think. Bex puts me first all thetime. She doesn’t like the noises that Ivetha made while learningto control her activation, so she forbid the use in the house. Ivyhad to learn control where no one could hear her. I brought herfood on the weekends.”
Bex wasgrowling and hissing for Sariah to shut up. “I taught you tofight.”
Sariah yelled,“Dodging plasma whips isn’t teaching.”
Arata was therein a flash, and he gestured to Bex. Go, and if you want to live,don’t come back.
Ivetha coveredher mouth.
Sariah frowned.“What?”
“My scar. He’sseen it.”
“Oh, shit.” Sheblinked as Akio translated.
Bex blinked. “Iam here for the wedding.”
Akio said, “Ido not believe you will add any joy to the events. You can go. Theladies were loyal to you because you were all they had. That is nolonger the case. You raised them; they are alive. You can gonow.”
This time, itwas his own words. Sariah walked to him and leaned her head againsthim. “Go home, Bex. We’ll send you photos so that you can deleteIvy when you get them. They are right. You have treated usunequally, so it seems fair that some prejudice be enactedhere.”