Bex smiled.“Wow. Ivetha. You look amazing. That colour is wonderful onyou.”

Sariah smiled.“You look great, Ivy, but I thought you were going to wear a dullercolour.”

“I didn’t pickit,” she said quietly.

“Ah, quiet now.Last night she shook the whole damned building.”

Fire hit hercheeks and remained there. “It was an accident.”

Sariah’sexpression wasn’t kind, but she giggled. “So Akio told me.”

“Uh, I am goingto go for a walk. Nice to see you, Aunt Bex.”

Bex frowned.“You don’t want a hug?”


Ivetha smiledat them both and walked outside, heading down to the beach. She hadto cheat and fly part of the way, but she got there, found a rockto sit on, and stared out at the waves, wondering if she had donethe right thing.

She ran herhands through her hair and sat crunched over. Her wrist com pinged,and she answered, wiping her cheeks as she answered. “Hey.”

Bex looked ather, and her brows snapped together. “Are you hurt?”

“No, ma’am.Just thinking some things through.”

“Get backhere. They are getting searchers ready.”

“Yes, ma’am.Coming back.”

“Good.Sariah is upset. You are ruining her day.”

“I... am on myway back home.” She paused. “To the residence.”

“See youwhen you get here.”

“It will beover half an hour.”

“Be as quickas you can. Some of the local ladies are here, and we need to startthe festivities. They are insisting that you be here.”

“I understand.I am on the way.” She walked back up the hill and braced herselffor what she would find when she got there. Her shield was thin butkept her from most of the trees and insects. Ivetha found the pathto the overlook and rapidly blinked before she continued back tothe residence.

She sat downand put on her sandals. When she was presentable, she walked thelast fifty metres to the courtyard.

Arata and Akiowere talking with Bex and Sariah, and local women were cooing overher pretty golden outfit.

The seamstresssaw Ivetha and charged over. “Hello, Tuurin.”

Tuurin lookedat her. “You look spectacular.”

“Thank you. Toospectacular. What happened to the dull colours I asked for?”

The seamstressshrugged. “They don’t suit you. You need bright colours. Oh, let meintroduce you to my sisters.”

Tuurin grabbedher hand and hauled her over to two older women who were laughingquietly at some joke. One of the women spoke in sign. Hello,little miss. You look lovely.

Ivetha spokeand signed. “Thank you. You and your friend look gorgeous, andTuurin is smiling like she was responsible.”

What do youthink of the bride?