Sariah asked,“Did he say no?”

“Yes. Don’tworry. I already know that I am not his type. Hair is too dark.Mouth is too bitchy. All the things I had to change for thecontract. Also, he ended the contract, so that was telling. Themoron didn’t even warn me. One week, I had a date scheduled, andthen, it was cancelled, as were all standing appointments.” Shelooked at her sister. “This is just friskiness because his voicedoesn’t blast me through the walls. I also have a massive wetkitten vibe right now, and that is pulling him close.”

She glanced atArata, and he was frowning.

“Uh, you seem alittle different from when I was just in here,” Sariah noted.

“I was justwaking up.”

“Oh. Shit.Right. I forgot about that.”

Arata signed,What does she mean?

I don’t wake upeasily. It is a long process.

Sariah asked,“What did you say?”

“Oh, that Idon’t wake up easily. You know, you are going to have to learn tosign. Akio won’t always be around to translate if he needs to saysomething quick.”

Sariah blushedand looked at Arata. “Oh. Right. Sorry.”

He blinked andthen inclined his head.

Sariah nodded.“Right. I can take Ivetha over until after the wedding. There is noreason for you to be distracted by her.”

Arata looked atIvetha, and she smiled and shrugged. He nodded at Sariah, andIvetha hopped off his lap to stand next to her sister. “Can we findme some clothing? I feel a little before or after.”

Sariahchuckled. “We can get you dressed. Come on.”

Ivetha foldedher hands in front of her and curtsied deeply, as she had on theirdates. It was the only curtsy she knew.

When shestraightened, he was right in front of her, lifting one of herhands to his lips, kissing the back of her fingers.

She nodded whenhe stood up again and pushed Sariah out the door.

Outside in thehall, Sariah looked at her. “Uh, clothing, right?”

“Yeah, sis.Clothes would be good.” She looked down at the semi-transparentrobe. “Real good. I got some training for playtime outfits, but Inever thought to spend half a week in it.”

“So, youseriously became a member of the BDC?” Sariah walked down thehallway with her.

“I seriouslydid.” She shrugged as they made their way to Sariah and Akio’sroom.

“I will lendyou an outfit of mine, and then we can go shopping for somethingthat can be yours.”

“Uh, do youhave money?”

“Yup. Sort of.Akio put me on his account. I can buy stuff in town.”

“Can I just getone outfit for every day and another for the wedding?”

“Sure.” Sariahlinked arms with her, and they went into the room so that Ivethacould be less naked by wearing less fabric.

Sariah staredat her. “Wow. You really know how to put this on.”

“Patroninsisted that I wear it correctly.”

“Wow. That’ have quite a bit of cleavage.”