Helthiot took alook at it and winced. “No one has commented?”

“Arata knowsbetter than to tell me I am getting fat, and I have been working inmy office.”

Hermother-in-law slid her fingers under the chain, and it snapped.

Ivetha exhaledand rubbed at the red mark. “Thank you.”

“No problem.Now I get to wear this to my afternoon tea with the ladies.”

“Why didn’t youput one on Sariah?”

“She isn’tqueen, dear.”

“Oh. Right. Iguess I should start my prenatal stuff at the clinic.”

“Take Aratawith you. He is going to be all giddy.”

Ivetha got ahug, and she walked to the palace, stopping at Arata’s office.“Hey, sugar, can you go with me to the clinic today? The chain dugin, and I need to make sure that our little biology project isdoing well.”

He looked ather. Blinked and then skidded to his knees in front of her.Pressing kisses to her belly.

She stroked hishair. “I know it took me a long time to admit it. You looked likeyou were going to blow every time you touched me in theshower.”

He lifted hishead and released her so he could sign happy.

“Tell them.”She pointed at her navel.

He whispered,“I am very happy you are on the way.”

She felt theenergy in his voice ripple through her, washing away all the achesand pains, just as he did every time he spoke into her.

“Now, I need tomake sure that the nine servings of fruit and vegetables that I eatevery day are enough. Come on, Your Majesty.”

Arata got upand wrapped an arm around her waist as they left the palace and thebefuddled ambassador who had witnessed their interaction.

Keeping herhealthy and strong was a primary concern. When two actives cametogether, the results were unpredictable. She wanted to keep trackof progress every step of the way.


Ivetha walked away fromthe crushed military vehicle with her rescues walking besideher.

She made acall. “Akio, bring me home.”


The blackportal opened, and she stepped through it with the little ones.Akio looked at the two toddlers being held by grubbyseven-year-olds and muttered, “Arata is going to notice.”

“No shit.” Shesmiled at the kids. “Come on. There are some nice people waiting tofeed you, clothe you, and make you comfortable. There are othershere to play with as well. This way. First thing is a bath then atrip to the healers.”

She calmly ledher little group through the palace, out of Akio and Sariah’squarters, and to the baths. Ivetha explained how to bathe to herrescues, and when they were in the shallow end of the pool andunder the watchful eye of two palace maids, Ivetha turned to theshower.

Hands slidaround her. “Are you wearing blood and brains?” He asked thequestion against her temple, which meant he was pissed.

“A bit. Yes. Itold you it was my go-to attack.”

“You are ninemonths pregnant. You went on a raid?”

“They didn’thave much time left, and I am nesting like crazy, so I went to getthem.” She sighed. “You are getting brains on you.”