Helthiot wascrying with her hands pressed over her mouth. There were others whowere crying, more smiling, and when Arata took both her hands andknelt, they struggled to remain silent. “Welcome home, myqueen.”

“It is good tobe home, Your Majesty.” She curtsied with her hands held inhis.

He smiled, gotto his feet, and pressed his forehead to hers.

She kissed himsoftly, and then he lifted her and spun her around.

When he set herdown, she looked at the people watching and was shocked to seeAluhara and her husband next to Riithan and his consort. Theirpresence was a blur as Arata walked her back to the palace whereanother party had been set up.

“Is therenothing but parties and food here?”

“Oh, there isplenty of serious stuff, but we have had a lot to celebrate, so wedo.”

“Well, aren’twe just chatty?”

“As long as Ikeep myself from getting excited, I think I can speak vocally.” Hesmiled. “Today is a very special day.”

She stood withhim, smiling. “That it is. There are a lot of those, too.”

He stroked ahand over her hip. “I see my mother has been at work.”

“Yeah. Eventold me what it is for. That isn’t going to make me self-consciousat all.”

He inhaled andthen started signing. Well, at least I have names pickedout.

She giggled.Apparently, he had just lost a bit of his calm.

They sat at thehead of the table, and everything was brought to them.

“I am going togain a thousand pounds if I keep celebrating.” She sighed andwashed her hands.

He signed,If you keep putting images in my head, I am not going to speakfor decades.

“Me rollingaround the palace is hot to you?”

No, just youbitching and complaining when you are near to full term. That willbe fun.

Ivetha realizedthat at that point, he was on his own train of thought, and itrevolved around little sonic monsters like they were, with her hairand his eyes.

“Now you haveme thinking about it, jerk.”

His grin waswide, and he signed, I bless the day I asked for atutor.

“Don’t blessthe day, bless me. Zera had to do a lot of convincing to get me torun through all those BDC tests. You would not believe thepaperwork if you don’t want to have sex with the patrons.”She spoke quietly.

The hum thathis body was putting out was hypnotic. She leaned against him, andhe fed her from the selection in front of them.

Music started.The people of Ekovar came and congratulated Arata on a solid choiceand smiled at Ivetha. She would have to prove herself to them, butthat was fine. It was on her list of things to do.

Ten weekslater, she couldn’t ignore the fact that the belly chain wasdigging in. She went to see Helthiot and knocked on her door. Hermother-in-law smiled as she opened the door. “Helthiot, I believe Ihave something of yours. I don’t want to put a weird dent in it oranything.”

Helthiotgrinned and clapped her hands, hugging Ivetha in the nextmoment.

“I was tryingto wait until the first trimester was over, but I am a little toopuffy for that.”

Helthiot hadtears in her eyes. “The first grandchild.”

“Not if thechain doesn’t stop digging in.”