She shivered asthe waves of sound rippled through her. “Mm. Hmm.” She curled herfingers up and didn’t sign what she wanted to.

He moved inclose and asked, “What did you want to say to me?”


“You werechatty at the stronghold.”

Sound turned toheat, heat ran through her, and she wanted to wrap herself aroundhim. “Was I?”

“Yes. Oneparticular word came up over and over.” He stopped in front of herand leaned forward. “What was it?”

She lifted herfingers and signed as she spoke. “Horny?”

He nodded.“Yes, that one.”

She blushed.“Well, it is very much on my mind. Your voice vibrates things inall the right places.”

He lifted herand spun her around before a knock on the door stopped him in histracks. He set her down with a rueful expression. “Damn.”

He stroked hercheek and went to answer the door. Two kitchen staff and a guardcame in. The trays were set on the table, and things were arrangedwith the ambience of a romantic restaurant. The guard was the sameone that had hauled her out of the building, and he paled and bowedto her. “Your Majesty.”

She smiled.“Look. I found my way back inside!”

He blinked andbacked out of the room.

The staffnodded and left the room. Arata held her chair out, and she took aseat.

The dinner wasassorted local favourites that she recognized from the market.Arata took his seat and signed, Don’t wait for me.

She smiled andstarted eating. She asked questions when she was unsure, but whendone, she put her utensils down. “You aren’t eating.”

Don’t usuallyeat. The blood provides what I need.

She blinked.“Will the cookies and carrots give you an issue?”

No, just notnecessary.

He slid hisfood over to her. It was a different selection.

“If I eat allthis, I am going to nod off.”

He shrugged.So? You wake up a lot in the middle of the night. I canwait.

She snickeredand started nibbling at the food. She finished most of it in abouteight minutes and then sat back and sighed, tapping her belly.“Well, what do we want to name the food baby?”

He grinned.Tired enough for bed?

“Sure. Justignore any groaning.”

He looked ather playfully. Shower?

She snorted.“Yes, please.”

He got up, tookher by the hand, and led her to the shower, removing her clothingquickly and starting the shower. Shower heads hit her from frontand back, but the water behind her shut off when he slid in behindher.

She groaned andleaned against him, sliding her hips back and forth. He laughed andsoaped up his hands, cupping her breasts and moving them down herbelly. He patted the distention and whispered, “Ivato orArathe?”

She laughed,but his hands so careful and gentle on her belly made her mind spinto the possibilities. He pressed his mouth to her shoulder, and shelet out a happy sound as she tilted her head. His fangs scraped herskin, and shivers went through her from head to toe.