“Oh, well,Ivetha, sweet. That is a lot of power.”
She wields itwell.
She sighed. “Iwield it well.”
He leaned downand murmured in her ear, “Get used to the compliments. I am goingto cover you with them when we get home. You will be wearingnothing else.”
Aluharablinked. “He can talk to you?”
She shrugged.“I can manage sound.” She grimaced and signed horny to himagain.
He grinned andwrapped his arms around her. She just had to remember to stop thatparticular part of the conversation when Akio got there. It wouldbe awkward.
Aluhara said,“Please come in and have a seat.”
Ivetha lookedto Arata, and he nodded. He released her, and she followed Aluharato a small table where a tea set was waiting.
She glanced atArata, and he smiled and nodded, turning to Aluhara’s husband, whobegan talking about the euphoric joy of finding so manydaughters.
Arata justnodded, and the husband began asking yes or no questions. Well,that was manageable.
Aluhara pouredher a cup of tea and held one for herself. “So, tell me aboutyourself.”
“Um, I amtwenty-seven or twenty-three. I don’t really know. I was one of apair. Sariah is the other. A hostile government raised us to becomea new set of defenses. When we were four or seven, our Aunt Bexfound us. She trained us to use our activations, and they came onimmediately. We lived, we trained, and were educated in Aksalla. Iam a programmer who works for Z Corp, and my active nature meantthat the BDC recruited me.”
“You were anescort?”
“It’sclassified.” She shrugged. “I am sorry.”
Aluhara smiled.“It’s fine. So, how have you ended up with the king of Ekovar?”
“Sariah wasengaged to his brother, and when I was injured on a personalassignment, she had him ask for assistance for me.”
“Sariah and Iwork together and help women and children leave hostile situations.It’s a hobby.”
“You wereinjured?”
The air wassoaked with blood, and she could feel it bubbling out with everybreath. Her life was measured by her struggle to breathe.
“Yes, you cansay that. I am better now. After a bit of begging, the king agreedto assist me. Now I am back on my feet.” She sipped at the tea.“How are you enjoying being plunged into sudden maternity?”
Aluhara beamedand began to talk about all the wonderful women she had met, how itfelt to have her family finally, and how wonderfully blessed shewas.
Ivetha feltSariah arrive. “My sister has arrived. You will like her. She’sbubbly.”
Ivetha stoodup. Aluhara frowned. “You are leaving?”
“I had my timewith you. Sariah deserves a private conversation as well.” Shehugged Aluhara, and the woman clung to her. “It was lovely meetingyou.”
Aluhara leanedback. “You will come back for a family gathering?”
“Um, if I canget here. I can only travel short distances on my own.”
Sariah thuddedinto them for a hug. “Hey, what are we talking about? Are youAluhara? Oh, my goodness, you are gorgeous.”
Ivetha smiled.“I will see you later, Sari. It was lovely meeting you,Aluhara.”