Arata rolledhis eyes, grabbed Bex by her neck, and hurled her through a void.Ivetha blinked, and he walked over to her and hugged her, trailinghis fingers over the scar on her back. She sighed. “You didn’t haveto do that, but thank you.”
Sariah’s voicedrifted to her. “She slept curled around me after that. I didn’tsee her back for weeks. I didn’t know about it until it wasset.”
Arata kissedIvetha’s temple and nuzzled it as he whispered, “I will ask again.Soon.”
She clutched athis waist and nodded.
Sariah clearedher throat. “Well, now that the dark shadow has lifted, can westart the party?”
Ivetha held onethumb up. Sariah grabbed it and held her hand. “So, Your Majesty,can I have my maid of honour for now? You can have her later. Wait.That sounds... never mind.”
Ivetha waslaughing, and she lifted her head and kissed Arata softly, whichelicited an aww from the two dozen folk watching. He smiledagainst her lips and wrinkled his nose. She leaned back and pattedhis chest with her free hand.
He smiledencouragingly. She nodded. “Right. When will I see you again?”
His eyestwinkled. He pressed his mouth to her temple. “Soon. Save me adance.”
She blinked andnodded.
Sariah tuggedher away, and Helthiot smiled and signed, Right. Now the classesbegin.
Ivethatranslated, and then she and her sister said, “Classes?”
The Ekovarladies laughed and swept them away. They were down in the villagein no time. The chaos commenced immediately.
Chapter Six
Ivetha was aching allover and covered in sweat. She now understood the outfit she wasin. Sariah was leaning against her, just as sweaty.
Sariah gasped.“If I had known that this loomed before me, I think I would haveagreed to one of the Sethir. They just want you to shut up and lookpretty. No cardio required.”
Ivetha laughedand then paused. “Oh shit. I forgot to tell you. The egg donor thatmade us has been located. We were two out of twelve. The others areall known.”
Sariah sat upand stared. “What?”
“Yeah.Apparently, the donor is eager to meet us. She’s the greatestbeauty of the Sethir. She’s met seven of the other egg set. I getthe feeling that we were not the first stringers.”
Sariah snortedand nodded. “That tracks.”
Ivetha laughedand grabbed Sariah’s arm. “Shit, they are coming back for us. Hideme.”
Sariah cackledwith laughter, and Ivetha joined in. The married ladies of Ekovargathered around them and tried to get them up for round two of themarriage dance that was Sariah’s responsibility. She was going tohave to perform the gentle sway in front of about five hundredpeople in two hours. Ivetha was just there for moral support.
They got up,lined up, and learned until they could do the traditional dance ofEkovar automatically. It was a story told in movement about theoriginal people landing their boats on the island, making avillage, and settling in. Then the story spun forward to theactives appearing and the encouragement and voting of chiefs intokings when outsiders found them. Their king protected them fromincursion, and they were loyal to the family line ever since.
Ivetha feltlike she had been doing squats for hours.
When theyfinished the third run, Helthiot smiled and signed, Good. Rest.Have something to drink. Dinner will be quickly served so you don’tpass out.
Ivethatranslated, and Sariah sighed. “Oh, thank god.”
They giggledand hauled themselves to the seats, and Helthiot sat near them.Ivetha smiled. Do you put every bridal party throughthis?
No, just thebrides.
Ivetha gave hera narrow-eyed look. I am not a bride.
Sariah asked,“What are you saying?”