Page 62 of Undercover Emissary

He shrugged. “It could be worse. You’re prettier than most of the people I have to keep my eye on.”

I went back into the bedroom to grab a jacket. When I came back out, I didn’t see Buck.

“Ready?” I asked when I found him perched outside my apartment door.

“Rock is downstairs, waiting with the car.”

When we arrived at the Express building, Buck went in with me. I was about to sign him in as a visitor after I showed security my badge, but the man waved him through.

“Does he know you?” I asked as he led me over to the bank of elevators.


I shook my head at his abrupt response. Not that I’d expected him to explain.

When we arrived at the top floor, the receptionist escorted me through the double doors and into an office where I saw Jessica sitting behind a desk.

“Ali, good, you’re here.”

She stood and led me down a hallway to a closed door. “You’ll have to wait out here,” she said to Buck, who nodded.

Money was waiting inside, but not where Buck could’ve seen him.

“How are you doing?” he asked, motioning to the empty sleeve of my coat.

“Better. The pain meds knocked me for a loop for a few days.”

He helped me with my coat and draped it over an empty chair. “Have a seat.”

I waited until both he and Jessica were seated before speaking. “As I said earlier, I believe someone is trying to kill Sumner Copeland.”

Money rested his elbows on the table and steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. “I’ve also received a request to put him on paid leave, pending an investigation.”

“I thought he was already on leave?”

Money nodded.

“Do you know who’s targeting him?”

“The edict came directly from the director.”



Like in Cope’s apartment, I couldn’t sit still. I stood and paced. “Why?” My question was rhetorical. If Money knew, he would’ve said already. “What do you want me to do now?” There was no point in my continuing with my original mission. If Cope was dirty, he’d be arrested, not murdered.

“Stay the course. He knows who’s targeting him and why. It’ll be up to you to find out.”

I grabbed my coat and was about to walk out when Money’s phone buzzed at the same time Jessica’s did.

“Yes,” he answered, holding up one finger when I put my hand on the door.

I looked at Jessica, who hadn’t answered her phone. She shrugged.

“I’ll wait for an update,” we both heard Money say. He set his phone on the table and rubbed his eyes. “There was a shooting. Irish is in surgery. There are reports of another casualty. It’s unclear who it is.”

I pulled open the door, not caring if Buck saw Money. “I need to get back.” Buck nodded, and I knew he’d heard. “Where’s Cope?”