When Ty releases me from his hug, his expression is granite hard.
He says nothing.
And because he says nothing, I know he’s furious. Not only at Cody and Seth, but at me.
“Clara burst into Jackson’s office screaming that someone was attacking you.” His voice is gentle.
I stare into his face and don’t even bother to speak.
I have a feeling that nothing I say can penetrate his fury. He needs to get this out or he will explode later. So I let him get it out.
“Attacking my mate.” He lifts his fingers, and his touch is gentle as he skims my throat where I likely still have the imprint of Seth’s hand, his attempt to choke me. “And I wasn’t there.”
Footsteps head this way.
Ty doesn’t lift his eyes from my throat. “Go away.”
The footsteps stop and then retreat. I don’t know who Ty came here with. Probably more than Jackson, since I can’t imagine Jackson would appreciate being ordered about like that.
He presses a finger on my lips, silencing me.
“I find her blood on the ground, and I realize I know nothing. I don’t know who took her or even why because she didn’t tell me she was in trouble. She didn’t let me in.”
For a beat, the only sound in this dark chamber is our heartbeats, loud and furious. Mine because of the remnants of my panic, his from his rage.
He’s furious. Practically shaking with it.
But I look into his eyes and see more than rage.
I see his terror. His fear that he wouldn’t get to me in time. I see all that and more.
My eyes fill with tears. “I’m sorry.”
He stares at me for a little longer. “Are you hurt anywhere else?”
I shake my head.
He slides his hand into my hair and tugs. “Come here.”
He crushes me against his chest, folding his arms around me as I do the same. My left arm throbs a little, but bones and joints are already healing.
“You don’t put yourself in harm’s way, ever,” he says against my hair. “Got it?”
“But Clara?—”
He pulls away to stare down at me. “You have me. And Clara has me. Got it?”
And that’s the exact moment I realize I’ve fallen in love with Ty Logan.
His face softens as if he sees it, though I don’t say a word. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
He doesn’t give me the option to say no. I’m in his arms a second later and he strides out of the cave, leaving Cody’s body where it fell.
“Shouldn’t we deal with that?” I ask, nodding at the body.
“Someone else can,” he says, not slowing.