At least, I hope he’s joking.
I roll my eyes and push myself to my feet. Travis says his goodbyes and goes to speak with Jackson while Ty pulls me the rest of the way up.
I take in my basket full of potatoes, and I figure we’ll be eating fries and mashed potatoes for days.
Then I remember. I might not be here in days.
And the next pack run? I might not be here for that either.
“What’s wrong?” Ty doesn’t let go of my hand, even when I tug.
“Nothing. And I thought you were going to grumble about us sitting so close.”
Ty has a line between his brow as he studies me. “Travis isn’t a threat, and you were just talking. You still haven’t told me what’s wrong.”
“Because nothing is.”
I take a step away from him. He clamps his hands around my hips and doesn’t let go. “Sweetheart…”
“I need to wash the potatoes.”
“You’re trying to dodge me,” he says.
“And you’re reaching the point when I’m considering replacing you with a college grad,” I warn him.
His smile is assured. “No, I’m not. You want me.”
I do. Despite how many times I try to convince myself otherwise, I do. And I think I always will.
His smile grows even more confident, and he kisses my forehead. “Come on, I’ll help you wash the potatoes.”
“Don’t you have stuff to do with Jackson?”
“Not now. Now, I just want to be with my mate.”
“Even if that means washing potatoes?” I arch my brow.
“Even if.”
Ty was true to his word and not only helped me wash the potatoes, he helped me peel them for dinner.
I will never get that memory out of my head of Ty glaring at a potato he was peeling. Badly. But he’d been determined to do his best no matter how much I told him he didn’t have to.
Clara had briefly popped in while we’d been laughing, then left again, saying she had something she had to do when I asked her to stay.
“Looks like you and Ty have everything under control.” She winked, and I blushed, looking away.
Ty had wanted to help with more than just peeling the potatoes, but he had to go talk with Jackson about the cabins. Since they’ve been in the office for an hour, I imagine they’ll soon be out again. With how fast Jackson wants to build them, it means a lot of decisions have to be made now.
I take a step out the front of the house as I look for Clara, spot Shawn sitting on the top step and immediately start backing up before Ty finds us talking.
Shawn must hear my retreat because he peers over his shoulder and flashes me a grin. “Ah, good idea. I was lucky to survive the dining room. Might not survive this encounter.”
At his friendly smile, I pause. “That was kind of my fault. I should have explained about Ty. But it is—it was complicated.”
No. It still is.