Finally, Jackson looks at Ty. “Are you still taking some of the prospective enforcers out early tomorrow?”
“To sniff the perimeter of the land? Yes. Why?”
Jackson's gaze resettles on Layla. “Not all men appreciate women enforcers.”
Layla lifts her chin. “Then they can learn to or I can teach them.”
I hold my breath, bracing myself for Jackson’s response.
His face creases in a wide grin. “I think I’m going to like you, Layla.”
She slow blinks. “You are?”
“I am. And call me Jackson. I’m your alpha, but that’s not all I am.” Jackson focuses on Ty. “I need to move our meeting up from later to now.”
“Why now?” Ty reluctantly pulls his hand from my hip.
Jackson smiles at Regan. “My mate decided it’s time we had some fun. How about we get this meeting out of the way and take off this evening to enjoy a movie?”
“That sounds like a plan I can agree with.” Ty looks at me. “Save a seat for me.”
“And if I don’t?” I ask, curious about his response.
“You will.” Ty grins before he follows Jackson into the office.
By the time he’s disappeared inside, everyone is back to doing whatever they were doing, including my sister. Only one person remains in the entryway. Layla.
“You have nothing to worry about,” Layla says.
I know exactly what she's talking about, but I pretend I don’t.
“I know you saw Jackson and I talking out there, and I know you must have thought something to have walked away. I’m not interested in him, and the only woman he sees is you,” Layla says softly and turns to head upstairs.
Elin and Mia are busy moving chairs around the den from all the sounds emerging from there, and I abandon my plan to join them for a moment. “We’re watching a movie. Do you want to join us?”
She hesitates.
“You don’t have to, but it might be fun,” I prompt. “Even if the movie is terrible, the snacks won’t be.”
“You do that a lot,” Layla says from the foot of the staircase.
I cock my head. “Do what?”
“Involve people. I’ve noticed you do it before. You see someone alone, and you involve them.”
“I don’t like for anyone to feel left out,” I explain. “Probably comes from having an annoying little sister who never left me alone.”
“Fuck off,” Clara yells.
“See?” I raise a brow, and Layla flashes me a brief smile. “So, what do you say?”
After a moment, she nods. “Okay.”
We help Elin and Mia set up the den for the movie, and over the next several minutes, more and more of the pack join us in moving the couches back to make room for beanbags while Quinn points a projector at the den wall.
The last time we watched a movie, it was on the wide-screen TV. The portable projector was Jackson’s idea. It means no matter where anyone sits in the room, no one’s big head will get in the way of an exciting fight scene.
I don’t know whose big head got in the way the last time, but the argument that blew up after was hilarious.