Page 39 of Possessive Alpha

Ty stops glaring, but only because the hiker has gone. “He was going to barge you out of the way. He’s lucky I didn’t shove him into the road.”

I shouldn’t smile. Threatening to shove someone in the road for something as small as bumping into me isn’t the least bit funny.

Ty peers down at me and his expression softens when he takes in the smile I should not have pasted on my face. “You haven’t told me what’s wrong so I can kill it.”

Which is when I realize that actually, despite my initial annoyance at Ty for following me to town, I’m relieved he’s here. “That would have been completely unnecessary.”

“Killing something that threatens you will never be unnecessary. What was it?”

“I sensed something was wrong.” Whatever it was doesn’t feel wrong anymore. I take a second to scan the streets. Nothing pops out at me as worthy of investigating. “But I think it’s gone now.”

His brow furrows and his nostrils flare, a clear sign he’s subtly sniffing.

“Ty, it’s okay. You can stop sniffing,” I warn him. He’s doing it subtly, but someone will eventually clock him.

Reluctantly, his eyes briefly return to mine before they dart over my shoulder. “Have you finished in the store?”

I nod.

He sighs. “Shame. I’d hoped to see you try something on.”

My mind flashes back to the see-through slip dress Clara was convincing me I needed. “Well, hope all you want. It’s not happening.”

“Okay.” He snags my hand and tugs me down the road. “Then I guess it’s time for the other reason we’re here. Makeup and vegetables.”

Clara would piss herself laughing if she was around to hear that.

“I know you didn’t believe me. No need to rub it in my face. And we’re going the wrong way. Your truck is over there.” I tug on his hand. That isn’t the only reason I need him to let me go. If I don’t disengage us, and soon, I’ll want to hold his hand forever.

He tightens his grip. “I know. That comes after.”

“After what?”

He pulls a piece of paper from his back pocket and waves it. “Need to grab some stuff from the store for Regan.”

I squint at the paper in his hand. When I move to take it, he stuffs it back in his pocket. “She knew I was coming to town. Why didn’t she ask me?”

Regan had been chatting with a couple of others in the den as I was leaving with Clara. She’d smiled and waved but hadn’t mentioned needing anything. And she would have. Especially after Jackson gave me a credit card to use.

As Ty steers us toward the grocery store, no one comes within an inch of bumping him or me. Must have something to do with his big shoulders and the way his muscled arms are straining his blue henley.

When my thoughts slide toward the way he romanced me against his bedroom door, it’s a battle to re-focus.

Clearly, I don’t wipe those dirty thoughts out of my mind fast enough for him to aim a slow smile down at me. “I just caught the most interesting scent. Know anything about that, sweetheart?”

“Must have been something you stepped in,” I reply, knowing he caught my arousal. “And Regan would have given me the list. Not you.”

He snorts and, thankfully, doesn’t call me out on my lie. “She must have realized she needed something after you left. You want to push the cart, or should I?”

He sounds like he’s telling the truth.

I’m not sure what makes me suspicious of Ty, but something does.

Maybe the speed he stuffed the piece of paper into his pocket the second after he showed me.

“Can I see the list?” I ask, watching him closely.

“No need.” The front door of the grocery store whooshes as it opens, the AC blasting me with air so cold that I shiver. I have no idea why they always have to crank the AC way up high at the entrance of grocery stores, but I hate it as much as I love the sweet, savory baking smells that hit you in the face and make your stomach growl.