Page 12 of Mafia Doctor

“Yes. I’ll take you for a walk as soon as we get home.”

Her eyes fell again. “I don’t need a chaperone everywhere I go,” she sulked.

“Take it or leave it, babygirl. I’m not ready to completely trust you on your own just yet.”


He was going to need to do something about that tone, and soon.

It was a clear, warm evening with a light breeze, perfect for a stroll in the beautiful, neatly arranged gardens outside the villa. Aurora had changed into a more casual summer dress, which Dante found interesting. She could have chosen any comfortable pair of sweats, or even pajamas since they were in for the night, but instead she’d chosen a sexy little outfit for their walk.

Maybe she was warming up to him after all. Or maybe she was feeding off his energy.

In any case, it was rapidly becoming impossible for him to keep his hands off of her, especially as it grew more and more clear that she was in need of a reminder of the fact that she belonged to him now.

Even now, she kept her pace about five steps ahead of his, purposefully taking sharp turns in strange spots as if she were trying to lose him. He was finding it difficult to keep up, and it didn’t help that the gardens here were like a maze. A beautiful maze, but still a bit disorienting. Elegant pathways lined with ancient, whispering trees lead to hidden alcoves with serene water features, and Aurora was ducking into every one of them she passed.

He followed her on one of her sharper turns into a grove of what smelled like something very girly… maybe lavender? He’d have to look that up later. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he forced her to still for a moment.

“This isn’t a race, Aurora. Slow down.”

Spinning around on her heel, Aurora spat at him, “Why don’t you just go back inside and leave me the hell alone?”

They were both silent for a moment, the only sounds their heavy breathing from the brisk walk and the gentle trickling of the nearby koi pond.

Dante appraised her for a moment. That was an awfully snappy response, and for a moment he racked his brain trying to think of what he might have said or done to upset her. In the last few minutes, that is, not counting the whole kidnapping. He was hoping she was over that by now…

Then he noticed a slight tangy scent. Aurora’s eyes dilated, he saw with a quick glance, and her chest pinkened as she glared at him. His future bride was testing him.

And she was extremely aroused.

He narrowed his eyes at her. He wasn’t angry about what she’d said so much as angry that she was insistent on trying to make him angry. More than that, though, he was just painfully, painfully hard. She needed to learn to speak to him respectfully, but that wasn’t why he was about to finally teach her that. He was about to teach her what happened to sassy girls because his mind wanted it, and his cock demanded it.

In one swift motion, he pushed her up against a large tree trunk, pinned both arms over her head with one of his, and leaned in close.

“Do you need me to kiss you?”

He could tell from the shocked look on her face both that she was surprised by his question but also in some ways surprised that he’d asked at all since the look in his eyes must have told her plainly that she was going to be kissed soon enough.

Still, she managed what seemed to be her best attempt at another sassy reply. “I don’t need anything from you.”

That just made what was going to come next even hotter.

Without a word, and keeping his grip on her wrists, he spun her around, and then with her back facing him, he smacked her gorgeous ass hard once, then twice, then three times, with the last one landing low right across the middle, surely sending a jolt to the pussy he could smell must be soaking wet.

“That’s what happens when you lie to me.”

She didn’t quite moan in response, but the noise she made wasn’t not a moan either.

He knew she was ready for the kiss. She’d been ready for the kiss before he’d even asked about it of course, but she was more than ready for it now.

He wasn’t ready to give her one yet, though.

Lifting her short skirt out of the way, he smacked her now scantily clad ass again, hard, and then another time, and then a third in the same spot as before, low across her bottom cheeks so that his fingertips landed almost directly on her panty class pussy. Moving his hand from her wrists to her hair, he held her there just as roughly but even more possessively than before, letting his fingertips wander briefly over the bright pink handprints branded onto her bottom, or at least the portions he could see peeking out from under her skimpy panties. He enjoyed the sight of his work.

Then, slowly enough to let her feel the shame build, he pulled the crotch of her panties aside to bare her pussy fully and slid his fingers roughly in. This time there was no doubt that she moaned. It was long and loud and slutty, and he enjoyed every second of it. Sliding his fingers free from her sopping wet hole, he spun her around with her hair still gripped in his fist and guided his now glistening fingertips to her mouth, running them over her lips and coating them completely with her arousal.

He asked again. “Do you need me to kiss you?”